
a short and fast framework for php like express

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php-mvc-express(like node.js express framework)

  • I recently insisted on the idea of the core to the node.js-express framework.
  • Seven days from Nodejs-express seamless switching to php-mvc-express development! :)
  • Author by linyang created on 2016-08.

./package.json - config file

  • dir - dir config
  • core - core config
  • modules - modules loaded

where is your log file???

  • log.log - info/error/exception log
  • sql.log - orm log

app init

//include all cube libs.
require './modules/import/autoload.php';
require './cube/App.php';

//initialize the cube framework.
    'base_dir' => __DIR__, //root dir
    'time_limit' => 0, //program exec time limit (s)
    'error_report' => 1, //display error or not
    'time_zone' => 'Asia/Shanghai', //time zone
    'debug'=>1 //display the stack of the middlewares

middleWare append

  • initial mode middleWare.
$app = App:app();
    //implement your logic.

$router = App::Router();
    $a = 'helloWorld!'; //your code.
    $next(); //next middleWare.
    $a = ''; //gc
  • router mode middleWare fileName.
$router = App::Router();
  • router mode middleWare.
$router = App::Router();
    $a = 'helloWorld!'; //your code.
    $next(); //next middleWare.
    $a = ''; //gc

want to use class-reflect rpc mode?

import('modules/mvc/autoload.php');//or edit in the package.json->modules[]

$app = App:app();
    'controller_dir' => 'src/controller',
    'controller_prefix' => 'src\controller',
    'model_dir' => 'src/model',
    'model_prefix' => 'src\model'


./index.php (the facade file of the Application)

Once the route configuration is included in the project configuration file, it will automatically give priority to the path analysis of the virtual router, otherwise the network address is used directly to resolve the path.

  • Virtual router pathinfo
./index.php?router=http (Cube Framework Application will find the router config from the package.json)

//application filter the pathinfo.
$router= App::Router();
  • Standard router pathinfo, change the nginx.conf
  • url will be '/index.php/user/login' or '/index.php/user/login/index.php'
location / {
    if (!-e $request_filename) {
        rewrite  ^/(.*)$  /index.php/$1  last;

location ~ \.php {
    fastcgi_index index.php;
    include fastcgi_params;
    set $real_script_name $fastcgi_script_name;
    if ($fastcgi_script_name ~ "^(.+?\.php)(/.+)$") {
        set $real_script_name $1;
        set $path_info $2;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$real_script_name;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $real_script_name;
    fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $path_info;


  • check defined('VALUE'), and use by constant('VALUE')
//get the absolute project dir.
$result = constant('BASE_DIR');
//result: /User/xx/github/php-mvc-express/

//get the application startTime(ms).
$result = constant('START_TIME');
//result: as microtime(true)

//get the application view template dir.
$result = constant('VIEW_DIR');
//result:  /User/xx/github/php-mvc-express/view/

//get the application tmp(or upload) dir.
$result = constant('TMP_DIR');
//result:  /User/xx/github/php-mvc-express/tmp/

//get the application log.log path.
$result = constant('LOG_PATH');
//result:  /User/xx/github/php-mvc-express/log/log.log

//get the application sql.log path.
$result = constant('LOG_SQL_PATH');
//result:  /User/xx/github/php-mvc-express/log/sql.log

//get the application package.json json object.
$result = $GLOBAL['CONFIG'];
//result: package.json as array