GCP Setup


I'm using my account name (jakub.wit.martin@gmail.com), use yours if running on your own.

Service Accounts

  • credentials
    • Datastore User
  • marks
    • Datastore User
  • notifier
    • Datastore User

In this document. Whenever a resource is described to be created, it may be followed by a list of service accounts with their respective roles.

Audit Log

  1. Turn on audit logging for cloud kms. Admin read and data read.

Cloud KMS

  1. Create keychain credentials.
    • credentials: Cloud KMS CryptoKey Encrypter/Decrypter
  2. Create key credentials in this keychain.



  • If there is only one publisher to the topic: publisher-topic_name
  • If there is more than one publisher: topic_name
  • For any subscription: subscriber_name-full_topic_name (includes publisher if applicable)


  1. Create topics:
    • credentials-credentials_received
      • credentials: Pub/Sub Publisher
    • notifications
      • marks: Pub/Sub Publisher
      • credentials: Pub/Sub Publisher
    • notifier-commands
      • notifier: Pub/Sub Publisher
    • notifier-user_created
      • notifier: Pub/Sub Publisher
  2. Create subscriptions:
    • marks-credentials-credentials_received
      • marks: Pub/Sub Subscriber, Pub/Sub Viewer
    • marks-notifier-commands
      • marks: Pub/Sub Subscriber, Pub/Sub Viewer
    • notifier-notifications
      • notifier: Pub/Sub Subscriber, Pub/Sub Viewer
    • credentials-notifier-user_created
      • credentials: Pub/Sub Subscriber, Pub/Sub Viewer


You need to have Datastore activated. The microservices will create necessary kinds as required.

Kubernetes Engine


* Cluster Version - choose latest
* Boot disk size - 20GB
* Network policy - Enabled
* HTTP load balancing - Disabled

Compute engine:

* Turn on https network access to the node, which you will route your DNS to.

Preliminary cluster setup:

    gcloud config set project usos-notifier
    gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-1 --zone us-central1-a
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding add-on-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default
    helm init
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding-jakub.wit.martin@gmail.com --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=jakub.wit.martin@gmail.com


  • TLS certs for the nginx controller. Standard PEM. I'm using cloudflare generated ones.
    • kubectl create secret tls tls-secret --key cert.key --cert cert.crt
  • Credentials service account. Download the json file and call it credentials.json.
    • kubectl create secret generic credentials-service-account --from-file=serviceaccount.json=credentials.json
  • Marks service account. Download the json file and call it marks.json.
    • kubectl create secret generic marks-service-account --from-file=serviceaccount.json=marks.json
  • Notifier service account. Download the json file and call it notifier.json.
    • kubectl create secret generic notifier-service-account --from-file=serviceaccount.json=notifier.json
  • Messenger API key. Put the key into your local NOTIFIER_MESSENGER_API_KEY environment variable.
    • On Windows: kubectl create secret generic messenger-api --from-literal=messenger-api=$ENV:NOTIFIER_MESSENGER_API_KEY
    • On Linux: kubectl create secret generic messenger-api --from-literal=messenger-api=NOTIFIER_MESSENGER_API_KEY
  • Messenger Verify key. Put the key into your local NOTIFIER_MESSENGER_VERIFY_TOKEN environment variable.
    • On Windows: kubectl create secret generic messenger-verify --from-literal=messenger-verify=$ENV:NOTIFIER_MESSENGER_VERIFY_TOKEN
    • On Linux: kubectl create secret generic messenger-verify --from-literal=messenger-verify=NOTIFIER_MESSENGER_VERIFY_TOKEN


  • Nginx controller. This will create a daemon set of nginx instances. All of them will have hostPort 80 and 443, so just route your DNS to one of your nodes.
    • helm install --values values.yaml --name nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress
  • Ingress. This routes outside traffic to the internal - publicly available - services.
    • kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml


  • Credentials:
    • kubectl apply -f credentials.yaml
  • Marks:
    • kubectl apply -f marks.yaml
  • Notifier:
    • kubectl apply -f notifier.yaml

By the way:

  • If cross-compiling windows -> linux you need to go get -u golang.org/x/sys/unix