
nemune dictionary

Primary LanguageSvelte

kata nemune

This is an interactive, auto-updating dictionary from the constructed language nemune. I blantantly stole most of the design from my other project, nimi.li.

You can use links like https://kata.nimi.li/nemune to link to a specific word, and these will embed in Discord or any other environment that supports Open Graph tags.


This fetches data from the kata nemune Google Sheet to expose the list of words with an API at https://kata.nimi.li/words, which returns a JSON object:

		"word": "te",
		"wordi": "te",
		"definitions": [
				"partOfSpeech": "particle",
				"meaning": "(context clause: informs the following clause)"
		"source": {
			"creator": "kose Powa",
			"language": ""
		"word": "saji",
		"wordi": "sai",
		"definitions": [
				"partOfSpeech": "noun",
				"meaning": "thing (action, concept, object, property)"
		"source": {
			"creator": "kose Powa",
			"language": "Arabic",
			"word": "شَيْء",
			"transliteration": "šayʾ",
			"definition": "thing"
	// kata akane...

typescript definitions

type Data = Word[];

interface Word {
	word: string;
	wordi: string;

	definitions: Definition[];
	source: Source;

interface Definition {
	partOfSpeech: string;
	meaning: string;

interface Source {
	creator: string;
	language: string;
	word?: string;
	transliteration?: string;
	definition?: string;