- 4
[Bug]: The mysql in Dolphinscheduler start failed.
#221 opened by xuchangqun - 0
[Question]: When clicking the search button on the One-Click interface, it can be seen that the request is for the "compass-yarn-app" index. How can I request the "compass-spark-app" index instead?
#242 opened by i95271116 - 0
[Bug]: [task-syncer] when t_ds_task_instance map to task_instance, execution_time should not use schedule_time
#238 opened by lordk911 - 0
- 2
- 0
[Question]: how to configure "application-hadoop.yml" on "no ha hadoop cluster"
#237 opened by gitzhou-sin - 1
- 5
[Question]: Can I diagnose abnormal jobs directly from the yarn spark app without collecting scheduling metadata?
#220 opened by liangrui1988 - 1
[Question]: 可以不部署task-application 与 task-syncer 吗?
#235 opened by xiaomaisuii - 5
- 0
- 2
[Bug]: Command `file` missing
#223 opened by xuchangqun - 0
How to use the diagnosis of flink tasks without access to scheduling, can you provide a copy of the sample demo?
#231 opened by Renqiang2020 - 0
[Question]: Does the scheduling task not consider the complement scenario? Is there any solution?
#230 opened by wangfann - 0
[Question]: when parsing container log, stream.readline() can not handle the file format of tfile?
#227 opened by meijing123 - 1
[Question]: task-portal Unable to access the front-end homepage and log in to the system
#226 opened by fengjian1129 - 2
[Question]: [task-parser] Unable to connect to datanode error while obtaining HDFS logs
#215 opened by fengjian1129 - 1
- 0
[Bug]: During the time when CPU resources are being wasted, the computational results show negative values
#224 opened by meijing123 - 7
[Question]: Why after running Spark task, there is no change of the database? (both on postgresql and mysql)
#216 opened by huanghuihui0904 - 4
[Question]: When running the dolphinscheduler docker there is the error from the docker's log -> java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
#214 opened by huanghuihui0904 - 4
(395,79) java: 不兼容的类型:无法转换为[Question]:
#211 opened by chltkgg - 6
[Question]: About docker-compose way to run compass
#210 opened by zhuxt2015 - 2
[Bug]: failed to start task-flink service
#207 opened by y1q84 - 0
[Bug]: task-common RedisServiceImpl got some bug
#208 opened by y1q84 - 6
[Bug]: Error occur when startup for json parse error.
#203 opened by aib628 - 0
[Feature]: support spark3 app diagnose with spark.eventLog.rolling.enabled set to true
#202 opened by leizhang5s - 0
- 4
- 3
- 1
- 0
[Enhancement]: Improve task-flink document
#196 opened by Yves-yuan - 0
- 9
[Question]: Question about docker-compose way to run compass want to monitor local spark on yarn
#179 opened by liewkaitsan - 2
[Question]: build compass on docker-compass error
#175 opened by liewkaitsan - 2
- 0
[Feature]: Add drain to aggregate log
#159 opened by zebozhuang - 1
[Feature]: Support to diagnose Spark On K8s
#163 opened by yuchengpei - 2
[Question]: Configuring Spark Executor for GC Logging in the Same Directory as Standard Output
#161 opened by huangzhir - 1
- 3
[Feature]: Docker Compose based one-click Playground
#124 opened by wForget - 0
[Feature]: Add Flume plugin module to collect log
#128 opened by zebozhuang - 0
[Feature]: Support embedding Spark SQL UI pages
#143 opened by zebozhuang - 2
[Bug]: Too many files open issue caused by fs/fsDataInputStream is not closed if exception occurs
#130 opened by liusenhua - 1
- 9
[Question]: 日志路径解析的,为什么会出现_log结尾呢
#126 opened by cn-tingguo - 5
- 1
[Feature]: Introduce Apache Derby to replace mysql as the database for testing.
#112 opened by wForget - 1
- 3