
A JavaScript based console I/O system built for module extensions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#YouTube intercom ###A console for YouTube

YouTube Intercom is a JavaScript-based console I/O system designed for interacting with the YouTube API

This plugin is based on the Intercom console by twisterghost

Live Demo


  1. Installation
  2. Commands
  3. YouTube Interaction
  4. Working with Intercom

##1. Installation Installing a setup of Youtube intercom is as simple as dropping the project files into your folder of choice.

##2. Commands The console currently allows the following commands:

help - display help message;

clear - clears the content of the screen.

toprated - top rated videos on YouTube.

mostviewed - most viewed videos on YouTube.

recentlyfeatured - recently featured videos on YouTube.

user - find videos by a specified user. Use -u[sername]=username to specify user..

search - search by keyword. Use -q[uery]=whatever to specify search term..

lightbox - determine whether videos should open in a lightbox or a new window. The second parameter is a boolean (1/0).
Default = 1

##3. YouTube Interaction All the YouTube API requests are handled by the Zend GData library.

This allows potential for extending this project significantly and allowing far more advanced funcionality in due time.

##4. Working with Intercom This YouTube console is based on the console project called Intercom by twisterghost

Please visit the link above for more details on how to extend the console