
[ DEPRECATED, SEE https://github.com/sdkgen/sdkgen ] Tool that aims on solving client-server communication and data layout sharing between server, web, android and ios using a description language also called sdkgen.

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT


THIS REPOSITORY IS DEPRECATED. See https://github.com/sdkgen/sdkgen.

Zé Polvinho

The sdkgen is a tool that aims on solving client-server communication and data layout sharing between server, web, android and ios using a description language also called sdkgen.

Build Status

How to use it

  1. Install Crystal following instructions from: https://crystal-lang.org/docs/installation/;
  2. Download this repository;
  3. Run sdkgen in order to get the desired sdk. For more details about the command, check the next section: crystal run main.cr -- api.sdkgen -o api.ts -t typescript_nodeserver


crystal run main.cr -- <SDKGEN FILE> -o <OUTPUT FILE> -t <TARGET>

  • <SDKGEN FILE>: .sdkgen file containing the API contract, check the next section to see more details about the syntax;
  • <OUTPUT FILE>: filename for the generated file;
  • <TARGET>: the target platform for where you are generating the sdk. Options avaiable are:
    • java_android
    • kt_android
    • swift_ios
    • typescript_nodeclient
    • typescript_nodeserver
    • typescript_servertest
    • typescript_web


The .sdkgen file is responsible for declaring the API contract and for that purpose it implements the following syntax:

type Message {
    date: date
    author: User
    mentions: User[]
    text: string?

// Sends a message, returns nothing
function sendMessage(target: string, message: Message): void

The primitive types available are:

  • bool: Either true or false
  • int: an integer from -2147483648 to 2147483647
  • uint: a positive integer, from 0 to 4294967295
  • float: a floating-point number, equivalent to a double or float64 from other languages
  • string: an UTF-8 encoded sequence of characters. This is not meant to store binary data, only printable/readable characters. There is a soft limit of 65535 chars in a string.
  • date: A point in time with millisecond precision. Timezone information is not preserved and will be converted to the local timezone of the receiver always.
  • bytes: Arbitrary binary data.
  • void: Special type that means the lack of value. Can only be used as the return type of a function operation (more on that later)

You can check the complete description on language.md.