
This collection is comprised of archaeology & paleontology specimens from the Rocky Mountain & Southwest regions, including baskets, moccasins, animal figurines, game pieces, jewelry, tools, and other everyday objects from the Freemont, Clovis, & Ancestral Puebloan cultures as well as a selection of vertebrate, invertebrate and track paleontology specimens from the Mesozoic through the Cenozoic Eras (250 Ma - present). The materials represent an array of UCMNH's holdings & complement the educational objectives of their classroom kits. Each object is available in 3 different views: images, a movie clip in three dimensions, & downloadable 3D print files for use with 3D printers. This project is a collaboration between the University of Colorado Boulder's Museum of Natural History, University Libraries, & the Colorado State Library. This program was funded in part with a grant from the Institute of Museum & Library Services which administers the Library Services & Technology Act. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25810/2csn-xa72

3D Natural History Digital Collection


This collection is comprised of archaeology & paleontology specimens from the Rocky Mountain & Southwest regions, including baskets, moccasins, animal figurines, game pieces, jewelry, tools, and other everyday objects from the Freemont, Clovis, & Ancestral Puebloan cultures as well as a selection of vertebrate, invertebrate and track paleontology specimens from the Mesozoic through the Cenozoic Eras (250 Ma - present). The materials represent an array of UCMNH's holdings & complement the educational objectives of their classroom kits. Each object is available in 3 different views: images, a movie clip in three dimensions, & downloadable 3D print files for use with 3D printers. This project is a collaboration between the University of Colorado Boulder's Museum of Natural History, University Libraries, & the Colorado State Library. This program was funded in part with a grant from the Institute of Museum & Library Services which administers the Library Services & Technology Act.

Permanent address to digital collection: https://doi.org/10.25810/2csn-xa72.
Please use the same link when sharing or citing the collection.


File Name

Contains a unique standard number or code that distinctively identifies a resource. Typically the file name.

Example: musm_natHist_a_22061

Collection Name

Name of the collection: The 3D Natural History Digital Collection

Work ID

Number assigned to the item. Can also be seen in the identifier/file name.

Work Type

Resource type terms assigned to the item according to the Getty Art and Architecture thesaurus (AAT). Common types seen throughout the collection include: figures (representations); canteens (vessels); tools

Work Title

Title derived by the cataloger and briefly describes what the item is.

Work Title Source

University of Colorado Boulder Museum of Natural History

Work Date

The date of creation of the resource

Various dates are provided in this collection including the earliest creation date of the object which often ranges from 600-1300 CE. A date of discovery of the item is also provided and often ranges between the 1920s-1940s.

Subject Term

Common terms used include: Anthropology and Paleontology

Location Name

Geographic location(s) relevant to the item.

Some coverage terms used in the collection include: Moffat County, CO, Castle Park, Yampa Canyon, Mantle's Cave; Cheyenne county, CO, Olsen-Chubbuck; Knox county, NE

Repository Location Name

The institution or repository that holds the resource or where it is available: University of Colorado Boulder Museum of Natural History


The matter from which a thing is or can be made. Material type terms assigned to the item according to the Getty Art and Architecture thesaurus (AAT).

Common material terms seen throughout the collection include: bone (material); corn (seed); stone (worked rock); plant fiber


Manner and ability with which a creator employs the technical skills of a particular art or field of endeavor.

Technique type terms assigned to the item according to the Getty Art and Architecture thesaurus (AAT). Common technique terms seen throughout the collection include: weaving; beading (process); basketmaking

Style Period

Pueblo III 1150-1300 CE and Basketmaker II 1-500 CE

Cultural Context

Common terms include: Ancestral Puebloan; Fremont; Mimbres; Paleo-Indian (Pre-Columbian North American)

Work Description

Additional notes or description of the content of the item. May contain cataloger's notes as deemed relevant.


Information that identifies other resources related to the one being described.

Image Rights

Information about restrictions imposed on access to a resource.

Statement in collection: The copyright and related rights status of this Item has been reviewed by the organization that has made the Item available, but the organization was unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the Item. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/UND/1.0/

Rights statement comes from rightsstatements.org

