
Add memory to Function Definitions for Futil backend.

cgyurgyik opened this issue · 3 comments

The naive way is to hook up all wires, regardless of whether we want to read or write to the memory.

A more restrictive approach is providing connections to different ports based on some parameter read-only, write-only, read-write, ....

This may be slightly more difficult than anticipated. Since we want to pass in memory ports, e.g. for memory x: ubit<32>[1],
we'll have function parameters: x_addr0, x_read_data. This means we need to translate the following:

let tmp = x[0];

into reading the ports defined in the function definition, instead of trying to access x.addr0, x.read_data as what is done in EArrAccess.

Just linking the relevant issue at cucapra/calyx#381.

Fixed with #349. Currently, just includes all write and read ports.