
UnrollBank doesn't re-write same local variable names in different definitions.

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def A() = {
  let k: ubit<2> = 0;
  k := k + 1;

def B() = {
  let k: ubit<2> = 0;
  k := k + 1;

In the Lower unroll and bank pass, we see the following name re-write:

def A() = {
  let k_: ubit<2> = 0;
  k_ := (k_ + 1);
def B() = {
  let k: ubit<2> = 0; // <-- re-write never occurs.
  k_ := (k_ + 1);

This results in:

[Type error] [Line 10, Column 3] `k_' is not bound in scope.
  k_ := (k_ + 1);

Offending code (or at least part of it). My "hot" fix is removing the suffix.

val suf = env.idxMap.toList.sortBy(_._1.v).map(_._2).mkString("_")
val newName = id.copy(s"${id.v}_${suf}")