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Measuring Burstiness in Data Center Applications, Buffer Sizing Workshop 2019


Jackson Woodruff, Andrew W Moore, and Noa Zilberman. 2019. Measuring Burstiness in Data Center Applications. In Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on Buffer Sizing (BS ’19). Article 5, 1–6. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3375235.3375240


The dataset used in this work is available at https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/srg/netos/projects/latency/buffer2019/


This directory contains all the scripts used for the analysis of bandwidth in the paper.

To use (requires access to all repos):

  1. Put this project in /root/jcw78/scripts
  2. Go to setup
  3. Run ./setup_machine.sh (Do this even if you expanded this from a tar archive)
  4. If this is a capture machine with an ExaNIC HPT, run ./setup_exanic_machine.sh
  5. If this machine uses a 10G solarflare NIC and needs a driver update, run ./install_sf_drivers.sh
  6. After setup_machine.sh is finished, the following folders will be in /root/jcw78:
    • process_pcap_traces: start here to process expcap traces.
    • SUMMER2017: The benchmarking infrastructure this project is built on top of. If you want to add new benchmarks, start here and go to SUMMER2017/apps/benchmark
    • pcap_files: a set of generated pcap files for use during testing.
    • NRG-dev: APIs for the NRG.
    • NetFPGA-SUME-live + OSTN-SUME-line:

ALTERNATIVE (repos already cloned):

  1. Unzip environment.tar into /root/jcw78
  2. Then follow the normal setup :)

Folder structure

- setup/: This contains scripts to set up machines.  Some scripts may need modification for your system: those are explained clearly in the README there.  Start here, or do steps 1-5 above to setup your  machines.
- apps: This contains scripts used to run and capture from the benchmark suite.  If you are looking to run a capture, start here.
- evaluation: This contains scripted tests to analyze the correctness, accuracy and precision of a capture setup.  If you are looking to analyze an experimental setup, start here.
- hpt\_setup:  This contains Exablaze capture software and drivers.
If you are looking to create a bespoke analysis of 
Expcap traces, start here (If you are looking to repeat
an existing analysis, start in process\_pcap\_traces -- see above).
- bitfiles: This contains bitfiles for OSNT and the NRG.
- dag: This contains scripts to start and stop the Endace DAG
- hpt: Contains scripts to start and stop the HPT recodring and manage clock synchronization.
- nrg: Scripts to set rate and delay.
- general:  This contains bash libraries loaded by other scripts.
- HPT\_test/: This contains scripts used to test the HPT card.
Some scripts may need to be run after every reboot.


Every directory has a config file and a README. You should start at the README, then edit the config file as appropriate.