
Php Script for Auto-Pull in server (Using WebHook from GitLab, GitHub)

Primary LanguagePHP


Php Script for Auto-Pull in server (Using WebHook from GitLab, GitHub or Bitbucket)

You can select the branch for auto pull, this is util for Development and Production Server config.

##On your server

You need to generate and config SSH Key





When you have done ssh config, you can do "git pull" without put your password

In your public folder (public_html or something) you need put the git-deploy folder (or hook for example) with deploy.php and config.php

Change your configuration in config.php File.

  define('TOKEN', 'your-secret-token'); 
  define('REMOTE_REPOSITORY', 'your-repository');

On GitLab | GitHub | Bitbucket


In your repo:

Settings -> Webhooks and Services -> Add Webhooks

Payload Url: http://yoursite.com/hook/deploy.php?token=your-secret-token

Select Just the push event.

Mark "Active"

Add WebHook

Alt text


In your project:

Settings -> Web Hooks

Url: http://yoursite.com/hook/deploy.php?token=your-secret-token

Select Just the push event.

Add WebHook

Alt text

See the Wiki for more information about config (Customizing)

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