
A port of decay colorscheme for neovim using lua :3

Primary LanguageLua


This is a port of Decay Colorscheme for neovim using lua as backend for this :3


External plugins support

  • Telescope
  • Nvim Tree
  • Tresitter
  • Lsp
  • Lsp saga
  • Coc
  • Bufferline
  • Illuminate
  • Diff
  • Git signs
  • Git gutter
  • Lualine
  • Indent-BlankLine


U can use packer or vim-plug or something what u want.


Put this in ur packer config:

use {'decaycs/decay.nvim', as = 'decay'}

Then execute :PackerInstall or :PackerSync to install decay :3

Vim plug

Put this in ur config

Plug 'decaycs/decay.nvim', { 'as': 'decay' }

Enable the theme

To enable the theme u can use the next lua code:

local present, decay = pcall(require, 'decay')

if not present then
  error('Can\'t import decay, make sure u installed it! :v')

  style = 'default',
  nvim_tree = {
    contrast = true, -- or false to disable tree contrast

or if u want a more simple example:

  style = 'default',
  nvim_tree = {
    contrast = true, -- or false to disable tree contrast

Or if you want you can try the darker palette! :3

  style = 'dark',
  nvim_tree = {
    contrast = true -- or false to disable tree contrast,

Or the light palette too :)

vim.o.background = 'light'

  style = 'default', -- anyways will load the lighter palette, cuz `vim.o.background` is `light`
  nvim_tree = {
    contrast = true -- nvim tree contrast

Or the colder decay palette: decayce:

  style = 'decayce',
  nvim_tree = {
    contrast = true

You can enable italics too!

  style = 'default',
  italics = {
  code = true,
    comments = false -- to disable italic comments, replace to true to enable
  nvim_tree = {
    contrast = true

Or with vim script if u want (not able the posibility to disable tree contrast)

colorscheme decay

You can enable the darker palette too using vim script! :D

colorscheme dark-decay

You can enable decayce using vim script too:

colorscheme decayce

You can use the light palette too using vim script:

set background=light
colorscheme decay


By default the cmp.nvim integration has the kinds highlighted like blocks, u can disable that feature like this:

require('decay').setup {
  cmp = {
    block_kind = false,
  -- SNIP


If you use lualine, you can enable the colors with something like this:

require('lualine').setup {
  options = {
    theme = 'decay',

Getting the colors

You can get the colors of decay using the decay-lua based api! Check at this :3

local core = require 'decay.core'

 -- style could be: default, dark, decayce or cosmic (experimental), if you want the lighter palette, just pass anyone but set the background to light before call this!
local colors = core.get_colors(<style>)

print(colors.background) -- shows the background of the selected palette!

Overriding colors

You can override some highlights as you want too using the .setup method aswell, example:

local style = 'decayce' -- or another style of course
local colors = require('decay.core').get_colors(style)

require 'decay'.setup {
  style = style,
  cmp = {
    block_kind = true,
  nvim_tree = {
    contrast = true,
  italics = {
    code = true,
    comments = true,
  override = {
    -- override property colors using treesitters highlights
    ["@property"] = { fg = colors.red },

And if you want, you can also override the palette instead of specific highlights, example:

local style = 'decayce' -- or another style of course
local colors = require('decay.core').get_colors(style)

require 'decay'.setup {
  style = style,
  cmp = {
    block_kind = true,
  nvim_tree = {
    contrast = true,
  italics = {
    code = true,
    comments = true,
  palette_overrides = {
    background = "#191C1C",
    contrast = "#161919",
    statusline_bg = "#222626",
    lighter = "#2f3434",
    foreground = "#B1CCC9",
    cursorline = "#2f3434",
    comments = "#3F4947",
    cursor = "#B1CCC9",
    black = "#2D3130",
    red = "#e88693",
    green = "#4FDAD1",
    yellow = "#ecd3a0",
    blue = "#97b1e2",
    magenta = "#caabe6",
    cyan = "#93cee9",
    white = "#cbced3",
    brightblack = "#2f3434",
    brightred = "#e88693",
    brightgreen = "#4FDAD1",
    brightyellow = "#ecd3a0",
    brightblue = "#97b1e2",
    brightmagenta = "#caabe6",
    brightcyan = "#98d3ee",
    brightwhite = "#B1CCC9",
    accent = "#4FDAD1",