
Brazilian website counting the days to the fall of Cunha

Primary LanguageElmMIT LicenseMIT

Cunha já caiu?

Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate

Brazilian website counting the days to the fall of Cunha: www.cunhajacaiu.com.br



Make sure you are working in an environment with:


Install the dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ npm i

Environmental variables

Set up your environmental variables (copy .env.sample as .env for example). Optionally you can add:

App settings

  • FALLEN (default: False) whether Cunha has fallen or not
  • VOTING (default: 2016-04-17T23:37:00-03:00) when we were told he's gonna be the next to fall (date and time formatted according to ISO 8601)
  • ELM_MAKE_BIN: (default: elm-make) path to the elm-make binary from Elm (installed via npm by default)
  • UGLIFYJS_BIN: (default: uglifyjs) path to the uglifyjs binary from UglifyJS2 (installed via npm by default)

Third party services

  • GOOGLE_ANALYTICS: Google Analytics tracking code ID (e.g. UA-XXXXXX-XX)

Ready, set, go

Following Flask's new CLI set the FLASK_APP environment variable to the entrypoint of the app and you're good to go:

$ export FLASK_APP=cunhajacaiu/__init__.py
$ flask run --reload

You can configure your virtualenv to automatically export and unset FLASK_APP upon activation and deactivation. With your virtualenv activated:

$ ./bin/flask_app

Test, develop and contribute

Pull Requests are always welcomed.

Running tests requires Nose and elm-test (but at this point they are already installed for you).

$ nosetests
$ npm test


Copyright (c) 2016 Eduardo Cuducos.

Licensed under the MIT license.