- alamtahsin
- AndrewKurauDashlane
- bats66
- brandao
- chaoshengtHenan Polytechnic University
- dpsugasaLondon
- draperjamesFirstleaf
- erisonliang
- ignacio560
- internalconsistence
- jhcloos
- jperkins909
- justinlentSan Francisco, CA
- kimthostrupDenmark
- kjaftDermalog Identification Systems GmbH
- lcotaSan Francisco
- lovechang1986
- MannyKayyEdinburgh Centre for Robotics
- micaleelDublin
- mysl
- nunofernandes-plightPhotonics Precision Technologies, The Intelligence of Information & FasterCapital
- prefectzzz
- rakhmadRedhat
- repotudou
- robintuxGMMNS
- rydeen7
- saeedamenTurnleaf Analytics / Cuemacro
- samsrinivas
- sgrauelElectro Static Code
- suqi@eastlakeside
- techdragonPerth, Western Australia
- testttt0
- thegeekNobody Knows ... the trouble i see ...
- themanifold
- tranquilheroDublin, Ireland
- twiecki@pymc-labs