
A DSL based graphql server library for kotlin backed by graphql-java.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A GraphQL library based on graphql-java with kotlin-friendly builders and ktor routing extensions.


The main way of installing this library is using jitpack.io

repositories {
    // ...
    maven { url = uri("https://jitpack.io") }

dependencies {
    // Replace TAG with the desired version
    val graphkt_version = "TAG"

How to set up on ktor

The following is an example of using it.

data class Entity(
    val name: String

val EntityObjectType: GraphQLObjectType<Entity> = GraphQLObjectType {
    name = "Entity"
    description = "Some entity."

    field(Entity::name) {
        description = "The name of the entity."
        type { GraphQLStringType }

    field("nameWithCustomVar") {
        description = "The name of the entity with the customVar in the context."
        type { GraphQLStringType.Nullable }

        get {
            it.name + context["myCustomVar"]

val EntitiesFlow = MutableSharedFlow<Entity>()

fun Application.configureGraphQL() {
    // you can choose any of these IDEs
    // graphiql()
    // apolloSandbox()
    graphqlPlayground() // recommended

    graphql {
        // add import org.cufy.graphkt.java.`graphql-java`
        `graphql-java` {
            // engine-specific configuration

        before {
            context["myCustomVar"] = Math.random()

        schema {
            query {
                description = "The root query."

                field("getEntityWithName") {
                    description = "Get an entity instance."
                    type { EntityObjectType }

                    val nameArg = argument<String>("name") {
                        description = "The name of the entity."
                        type { GraphQLStringType }

                    get { Entity(nameArg()) }
            mutation {
                description = "The root mutation"

                field("pushEntity") {
                    description = "Push an entity to subscribers"
                    type { EntityObjectType }

                    val nameArg = argument<String>("name") {
                        description = "The name of the entity."
                        type { GraphQLStringType }

                    get {
                        val entity = Entity(nameArg())
            subscription {
                description = "The root subscription"

                field("subscribeToEntities") {
                    description = "Subscribe to pushed entities"
                    type { EntityObjectType }

                    getFlow { EntitiesFlow }