
Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Puppeteer & Axe ♿ testing framework

Paxe is an automated accessibility testing tool based on Puppeteer and Axe. It runs from the command line and generates HTML reports for each page and each viewport analysed.

It is still a WIP, feedbacks and contributions are highly appreciated!

Get started

For a quick test you can run:

- $> npx @cuginoale/paxe

If you plan to use it frequently or if it's going to be part of your workflow:

- $> npm i -g @cuginoale/paxe
- $> cd path/to/your/project/folder
- $> paxe

On first run Paxe will look for the .paxerc in the current folder. If it can't find it, Paxe wizard will guide you through the steps to create a basic configuration file (still w.i.p.)

The .paxerc file is basically a JSON object, structured as follows:

  "default": {
    "viewports": [
        "width": "xx",
        "height": "yy"
    "outputFolder": "output",
    "authenticate": {
      "username": "user",
      "password": "pwd"
  "urls": {
          {"waitFor": 1000}
        "viewports": [
            "width": "xx",
            "height": "yy"
        "authenticate": {
          "username": "user",
          "password": "pwd"

default contains the settings applied to all the urls to test. Url specific settings can be defined in the url options section.

The options section for each url is optional and can contain:

  • actions to perform before the test is run
  • specific vieports
  • basic HTTP authentication settings

The actions available are all the actions Puppeteer is capable to run on the page object see relevant doc


$> paxe --help

Usage: paxe [<option>]

  --help         Show help                                             [boolean]
  --version      Show version number                                   [boolean]
  --runOnly, -o  Comma separated list of URLs (friendly names)

To test only some of the URLs listed in the .paxerc file use --runOnly or -o followed by the friendly name of the urls to test:

$> paxe -o site1,site2,site3

Report example: