
from 为学之道


1-Research Skills

2-Writing and Publishing


4-Tips for writing correct english

5-Career Advice

6-Relate Papers

7-Related Books

Research Skills top

关于研究的若干问题,作者:陈熙霖。(ppt) ◇ [A Letter to Research Students]( Letter to Research Students.pdf), by Duane A. Bailey. (pdf) (Research can be made more enjoyable and productive through a little organization. For many computer scientists, research techniques are a product of experience rather than, unfortunately, formal training. Several organizational suggestions are outlined here, most of which are useful to the undergraduate researcher. Items in italics are aimed at graduate students, professional researchers, and faculty. Enjoy!) ◇ [Research Primer for Graduate Students]( Primer for Graduate Students.pdf), (pdf) (This short paper is intended to help you approach your research in a systematic manner. It is not intended to be a guide on how to conduct research, though you will likely find useful information and tips (especially on the thesis process). ◇ The Researchers’ Bible (How to survive a PhD), by Alan Bundy, Ben du Boulay, Jim Howe and Gordon Plotkin. (pdf), (1985 ed. Pdf ). (Technical Report DAI Teaching Paper No . 4, Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh This version: February 17, 1995. Modified for Computer Science at TCD by Vance Gledhill, 1999.) ◇ How to do Research in the MIT AI Lab, ed. David Chapman. (DOC中文版) ([pdf]( to do Research.pdf)) (This document presumptuously purports to explain how to do research. The authors give heuristics that may be useful in picking up the specific skills needed for research (reading, writing, programming) and for understanding and enjoying the process itself (methodology, topic and advisor selection, and emotional factors). )

《如何做研究》,作者:张真诚。 做研究要有一套正确的方法,就可以达到「事半功倍」的效果。本文将介绍给读者做研究的方法与技巧,希望对于有兴趣从事学术研究的读者们能有正面的助益。 ◇ How to Succeed in Graduate School: A Guide for Students and Advisors, by Marie desJardins. (pdf) This is the latest version of the paper. The original version of it was called [How to be a Good Graduate Student/Advisor]( to be a good graduate student.pdf), by Marie desJardins. (pdf) (This paper attempts to raise some issues that are important for graduate students to be successful and to get as much out of the process as possible, and for advisors who wish to help their students be successful. The intent is not to provide prescriptive advice -- No formulas for finishing a thesis or twelve-step programs for becoming a better advisor are given -- but to raise awareness on both sides of the advisor-student relationship as to what the expectations are and should be for this relationship, what a graduate student should expect to accomplish, common problems, and where to go if the advisor is not forthcoming.)

◇ [Graduate Study in the Computer and Mathematical Sciences: A Survival Manual]( STUDY IN THE COMPUTER and MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES.pdf), by Dianne Prost o 'Leary. (pdf) The goal of this document was to offer advice to students on entering, surviving, and thriving during graduate study and beyond.

◇ [How to Read a Research Paper]( TO READ A RESEARCH PAPER.doc),by Spencer Rugaber. (doc) (Eight questions that you should ask yourself when reading a research paper)

◇ [A Perspective on Doing Effective Research]( Perspective on Doing Effective Research.ppt),by Sing Bing Kang. (ppt)

◇ [The Design of Design]( Brooks Jr_The Design of Design.ppt),by Fredericks Brooks Jr. (ppt)

Writing and Publishing top

Writing Proposals ◇ [Guide for Writing a Funding Proposal]( for Writing a Funding Proposal.pdf), by S. Joseph Levine. (pdf)

◇ [Writing Research Proposals to the National Science Foundation]( Research Proposals to the National Science Foundation.pdf), by Susan Finger. (pdf) (This document focuses on writing proposals to NSF, but the following general advice can be applied to writing any proposal.)

◇ [On Ph.D. Thesis Proposals]( PhD Thesis Proposals.txt), by H. C. Lauer. (txt) Writing Papers

How to Write Papers, by Charles Ling(凌晓峰). (ppt)

◇ [how to write a good paper]( to write a good paper(%E5%BC%A0%E4%BA%9A%E5%8B%A4).ppt), by Ya-Qin Zhang(张亚勤). (ppt)

A Guide for Writing Research Papers.

◇ [Guest Editorial How to avoid the Reviewer's Axe:One Editor's View]( to avoid the Reviewer's Axe__One Editor's View.pdf), by Stephen D. Senturia. (pdf).

◇ [Writing a Review Article]( a Review Article.htm),by Daryl J. Bem.

Advice to Authors of Extended Abstracts by William Pugh. (pdf)

Some Hints to Improve Writing of Technical Papers, (Version PostScript) by Patrick Valduriez, Projet Rodin. (pdf)

◇ How to Have Your Abstract Rejected, by van Leunen and Lipton.

How to Get Your SIGGRAPH Paper Rejected, by Jim Kajiya.

◇ An Evaluation of the Ninth SOSP Submissions, or, How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper, by Roy Levin and David D. Redell

Write Right for Research, by Tony Roberts.

How to Write A Scientific Paper, by E. Robert Schulman.

◇ Hints on good mathematical writing, by David Goss.

◇ Writing a Math Phase Two Paper, by Steven L. Kleiman. ([pdf]( primer on mathematical writing)) (Word-smithing is a much greater percentage of what I am supposed to be doing in life than I would ever have thought.—— DONALD KNUTH)


《科学写作的严谨性》, by runner。

◇ [《如何写作高水平文章》]( very good!!!.ppt), by Shujun Li.(ppt)


《SCI,EI介绍》, by 朱 诚.

◇ [Writing Technical Articles ]( Systems and Networking Articles.mht).

◇ [The Science of Scientific Writing]( Science of Scientific Writing.pdf), by George D. Gopen and Judith A. Swan. (pdf)

Writing a Literature Review,by Dr. D. Taylor. Writing Thesis and Dissertations

Thoughts on the Structure of CS Dissertations, by Spencer Rugaber.

Dissertation Advice, from Olin Shivers.

How to Organize your Thesis,by John W. Chinneck. (Chinese version) .

How to Write a PhD Thesis, by Joe Wolfe

How to Write a Ph.D. Dissertation, by E. Robert Schulman and C. Virginia Cox.

◇ [Writing and Presenting Your Thesis or Dissertation]( and Presenting Your Thesis or Dissertation.pdf),by S. Joseph Levine. (pdf)


◇ [How to Write a Thesis - A Personal Experience]( to Write a Thesis - A Personal Experience.ppt), by Hugo do Nascimento . (ppt)

Speaking top

◇ [Giving Presentations]( Presentations.ppt) , by Lawrence A. Rowe. (ppt) ◇ 21 Secrets to Becoming A Good Speaker, by Kai-Fu Lee.(ppt) ◇ [What is a Thesis Defense]( is a thesis defense.doc) , by Chris Reisbeck. (doc)

How to Present a Paper in Theoretical Computer Science: A Speaker's Guide for Students , ([pdf]( to Present a Paper in Theoretical Computer Science.pdf)) ◇ [A structured approach to presenting graduate research theses]( structured approach to presenting graduate research theses.pdf), (pdf) ◇ [How to give a good research talk]( to give a good research talk.pdf), by Simon L Peyton Jones, John Hughes, John Launchbury. (pdf) ◇ [Perspectives on Science & Technical Communication]( on Science & Technical Communication.pdf), by Andrew S. Kane. (pdf) ◇ [How to Present a Paper in Theoretical Computer Science: A Speaker's Guide for Students]( to Present a Paper in Theoretical Computer Science.pdf), by Ian Parberry (pdf) (First appeared in SIGACT News, Vol. 19, No . 2, pp. 42-47, 1988. It was reviewed briefly in the SIG News section of the Communications of the ACM, Vol. 32, No . 1, p. 146, 1989, and was reprinted in Bulletin of the EATCS, No . 37, pp. 344-349, 1989, and The Bit Dropper, Vol. 29, No . 10, pp. 6-11, 1989.) ◇ 《你重视自己的presentation能力吗?》,作者:ZT。 ◇ How to Get the Most out of Conferences, by Scott Berkun

Tips for Writing Correct English top

Common Errors in English. ◇ The Elements of Style, by William Strunk, Jr. ◇ [Grammar, Punctuation, and Capitalization: A Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors]( Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors.pdf), by Mary K. McCaskill (pdf)

How to Review top

A Guide for New Referees in Theoretical Computer Science, Information and Computation, 112(1):96-116, July 1994.(pdf) ◇ A Guide for New Referees in Theoretical Computer Science, by Ian Parberry. (pdf). ◇ [The task of the referee]( task of the referee.pdf), by Alan Jay Smith. IEEE Computer, April 1990. (pdf)

Career Advice top

Academic Careers for Experimental Computer Scientists and Engineers, published by National Academy Press. ◇ Communications of the ACM SPECIAL ISSUE (September 2003): Why universities require computer science students to take math? Introduction, by Keith Devlin. Html(14 KB), Pdf(75 KB) Why math? , by Kim B. Bruce, Robert L. Scot Drysdale, Charles Kelemen, Allen Tucker. Html(24 KB), Pdf(99 KB) Mathematical reasoning in software engineering education, by Peter B. Henderson. Full text available: Pdf(116 KB) What is the attraction to computing? By Vicki L. Almstrum. Pdf(107 KB) ◇ [How to Have a Bad Career in Research/Academia]( to Have a Bad Career in Research_Academia.pdf), by David A. Patterson. (pdf) (How to become a bad research scientist in 10 lessons) ◇ [The computing profession at a crossroads]( computing profession at a crossroads.pdf) , by Venkat N. Gudivada.(pdf) ◇ Why are there so Few Female Computer Scientists? By Ellen Spertus. ◇ Reshaping the Graduate Education of Scientists and Engineers, by the National Academy of Sciences. ◇ On Being A Scientist: Responsible Conduct In Research, from the National Academy of Sciences ◇ On Being a Scientist: A Personal View, by John C. Polanyi, 1986 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry.

Related Papers top

《迈向成功之路》作者:张真诚。 ◇ 《是什么在造就一个人的成功》,作者:朱清时。 ◇ 《爱因斯坦〈自述〉节选》,(txt). ◇ 《科学研究是很快乐的事情——计算机图灵奖获得者、华裔科学家姚期智教授访谈》 ◇ [《怎样才能作好一个科学家》]( to be a good scientist.doc), 作者:李远哲。 ◇ 《学问在继承中发展--夏皮罗和范里安<信息规则>荐介》,作者:王则柯。 ◇ 《我的科学之路》,作者:邹承鲁。([pdf]( little thought of doing research for 50 year.pdf)) ◇ 《**电视台采访邹承鲁:痛击科学腐败》。(Doc) ◇ [《**眼科学界在上发表首篇论文》]( Nature%E3%80%8B%E4%B8%8A%E5%8F%91%E8%A1%A8%E9%A6%96%E7%AF%87%E8%AE%BA%E6%96%87.doc),作者:陆隽 高亮。 ◇ 《陈省身:数学是有很强活力的》,作者:温红彦。 ◇ 《我研究数学的经验》,作者:丘成桐。 ◇ 《数学的內容、方法和意义》,作者:丘成桐。 (pdf) ◇ 《数学的印象》,作者:小平邦彥。 ◇ 《计算机科学反思录》,by ZT. ◇ 《学习人生——一个普通IT人的十年回顾》,作者:bitfan。

Related Books top

◇ Zhang Dianzhou, eds. Collected Papers of Yang Zhenning. East-China Normal University Press, 1997. Available in bookstore of Press of University of Science and Technology of China, Haidian Book City. RMB55.00. (Dr. Yang, a great master of the 20th century, discussed in the book how to do research, including his views of creativity, inspiration, taste, orientation, etc. I learn a lot from his original thinking procedure and academic developing experience.) ◇ Shasha, D. E., et al. Out of their minds: the lives and discoveries of 15 great computer scientists. Springer, 1995. (Translated into Chinese by Liu Jun, Hebei University Press, 1998. Available in Library of Academy of Sciences.) ◇ ACM Turing Award lectures: the first twenty years, 1966 to 1985. New York: ACM Press, 1987. Available at Tsinghua University Library: TP3 FA846. (Summary: we can learn a great deal, both methods and confidence, from master’s biography and autobiography. You can even enjoy them in leisure time.) ◇ COMAP. The Principles and Practice of Mathematics. 1997, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. (Written by COMAP, Consortium for Mathematics and Its Application. Comprehensive, readable, with interesting background materials and further reading recommendations. Like a review, but more than that. Mathematics is not difficult, especially those powerful and popular results or methods. Translated into Chinese by Shen Dawei et al. Beijing: Advanced Education Press; Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1998.8. Available at Nine-Chapter Mathematics Book store, Haidian Book City. RMB 65.00) ◇ Sedgewick, R. Algorithms in PASCAL/C/C++, Addison-Wesley 1992. Available in Tsinghua Univ. Library. ◇ Beveridge, W.I.B. Art of Scientific Investigation. 2nd edition 1953. Translated into Chinese by Chen Jie, Beijing: Science Press, 1979.2. (This is a classic book on scientific research methodology, especially suitable for we young and junior researchers. Available in Library of Academy of Sciences. )(书评:《科学研究是一种艺术》,作者:王鸣阳)(Doc

Ethics top

On Being A Scientist: Responsible Conduct in Research (from National Academy of Sciences). ◇ Technical writing and research ethics, by Justin Zobel. Pointers to information about research and writing, intended primarily for computer science. ◇ Ethics in Science, by Henry H. Bauer. ◇ Association of Computing Machinery Computing and Public Policy Page (including Code of Ethics) ◇ IEEE Code of Ethics Iowa State University's Code of Computer EthicsThe Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette. by Arlene Rinaldi. ◇ Plagiarism in Colleges in USA, by Ronald B. Standler ◇ Ethics in the Use of the Internet / World Wide Web. By Brad Templeton. ◇ Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research, by the Editors of the Publications Division of the American Chemical Society.