Battle Square is a third-person 3D multiplayer battle game. (in progress)
The goal is to build a simple, minimal, and fun game that anyone can easily play in the web browser.
Here's the Live Demo on Heroku.
- Enter the player name and press the start button. (The player's look will be determined by the name you give to it)
W, A, S, D
keys move the player forward, left, backward, and right.Space
key makes the player jump.Mouse
movement makes the player look around.Click
makes the player use arms to hit something. (Currently, players can't actually hit each other yet)- Let your friends join and play together.
- Show the names of the connected players.
- Design the background area. (e.g. walls, boxes)
- Implement how the player interacts with the background objects.
- Implement how players interact with each other.
- Add an energy status bar for each player.
- Rank players by the number of kills.
- Add the text chatting feature.
- Apply shadow to the world.
- Add music and sound.
- Add items that appear in random locations. (e.g. potion, shield, speed up, power up, gun, etc)
- Installation of node.js is required. Follow this guide to install it.
- Run the following commands in the Terminal.
git clone
cd battle-square
npm install dependencies
npm start
- Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000
Three.js,, WebRTC, Node.js, Express.js
Please post an issue if you face any problem using the app.