
Helping the world move Excel table data into Markdown tables

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CI/CD npm Project uses semantic-release Commitizen friendly

What & Why

Convert Excel (.xlsx) data into markdown tables friendly for GitHub or GitLab.


There are two ways to use Markdown Tables. You can use it in a Node JS project or you can use it directly via the command line.

Use via command line

npm install -g markdown-tables
markdown-tables ./path/to/input/file.xlsx ./output.md


Use via Node JS project

Adding markdown-tables to your Node project for use

npm install markdown-tables --save

You use markdown-tables as such

import markdownTables from "markdown-tables"
const markdownTable = markdownTables(xlsxFilePath)

Want to contribute to Markdown Tables?

Check out the CONTRIBUTING doc.


Check out the CHANGELOG doc.