customsearch_d6 is a module to replace GooSACUL. Instead of using the
Google Search Appliance, it uses Google Custom Search
It is a plugin replacement for goosacul - the old search forms should work
without modification.

It requires another module google_cse and takes advantage of its admin interface

	install google_cse
	enable Search, Google CSE and Google CSE search
	in the google_cse admin at /admin/settings/google_cse
		set Google Custom Search Engine ID to the one from your google custom search
			Cornell Library Sites:  017399541683802799304:1axhejcyau8
		set Search results page title - used for page title by customsearch_d6
		set SiteSearch domain to (your site domain) Search this site
		uncheck Search results "Add to Google" Google Gadget
	install and enable customsearch_d6
	if you have an actual page /search/cul_gsa get rid of it

	banner search boxes should just work
	note: the Cornell search option now redirects to the Cornell.edu site's search
	/cu_search - general search results interface
		preloads 'hours' into search string
		preselects the 'Search this site' option
		Google CSE
		Google CSE results
		Cornell Custom Search Form

	sitesearch domains must be part of your 'Custom Search Element' sites list
	you can list more than one SiteSearch domain in /admin/settings/google_cse
		the search interfaces lists them in a popup instead of radios

-JGReidy jgr25 2/22/2012