A python script (and associated image files) to automate the joining of Fall Guys games, including leaving the show when knocked out after the first round.
NOTE: These scripts do not perform any in-game actions so this is not a bot in any meaningful sense, and will not help you cheat to win any shows.
Fall Guys: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1097150/Fall_Guys_Ultimate_Knockout/ (configured to run in the smallest resolution, 720x400)
python: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
the script: fall_guys_afk.py
You can also get the following, but the script will obtain them if you dont):
imagesearch: https://brokencode.io/how-to-easily-image-search-with-python/
all the files keeping the same directory structure: https://github.com/culcube/Fall_Guys_AFK
run it in a terminal: python ./fall_guys_afk.py