
React-based email template management

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JunkMail 🗑


JunkMail is an application for managing transactional email templates. Use React to build your templates with reusable components and then upload the rendered HTML to an email-as-a-service provider.


Requirements: Node.js >= 8.0

  • npm install


  • npm start

This will start up a dev server and open your browser to http://localhost:8080. The root URL acts as a hub with links to each of your templates -- clicking one will navigate you to /<template-name>. Supporting code for this development app can be found in src/app.

Email templates should be written as React components and live inside src/templates (subdirectories are allowed). Files will be automatically detected and added to the "hub" page and a corresponding route at /<template-name> will be created. Each template file must export the React component as the default.


Styles can be found in src/styles and will be inlined on deploy. Only Sass files that are @imported into src/styles/main.scss will be inlined, so make sure your files end up there.


  • npm test

Starts Jest in watch mode. Test files must end in either .test.js or .spec.js.


  • npm run deploy

Converts your React templates into HTML strings with inlined CSS. Eventually this will upload that string to an email-as-a-service provider via API request, but for now it just prints to the console.