
An all in one social platform created to help students and young adults streamline their job search.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Jinx Logo

Jinx is an all in one platform to help students and young adults streamline their job search.

It is currently deployed here


Both the frontend and backend dependencies must be installed.

# Clone into jinx directory
git clone https://github.com/csc309-winter-2021/team21.git jinx
cd jinx
npm install
cd client
npm install


The application and database must be run from 2 different terminals. The frontend will open your browser http://localhost:5000.

# Starting from jinx directory
mkdir mongo-data
mongod --dbpath mongo-data
# Starting from jinx directory
npm run build-run

How to use the application

Jinx is an app that lets users track their job applications. We believe that our friends and immediate social circles are invaluable resources when it comes to job searching. However, with work and school being online, it's become harder and harder to interact with our peers. Using Jinx, user's can follow they're friends and other people using the platform to see what places they're applying to, where they have interviews, and more.

Below are details for individual pages.

Profile Icon (Top right visible on all pages)

  • Allows the user to signout
  • Displays the current user's profile picture (auto generated) along with their name and email


  • When users log in, they are greeted with a dashboard which allows them to edit their information.
  • Admin have the added ability to view and edit all current user information and to add new admins and users.
  • A admin can demote themselves to a applicant which will force them to be logged out.
  • An admin can also delete themselves in the user table, this will also force a log out.


  • On the applictions page, users can add applications in different categories: wishlist, applied, interviews, offer, and rejected.
  • Users can also modify existing entries after adding them to one of the categories.


  • Under the feed page, users can see application updates of the people they follow.


  • The explore page allows users to view popular companies and postings that other users are applying to.
  • Applicants also have the ability to add job postings they've discovered.
  • Users can see all of the job postings ever added and anyone can add a new posting.
  • Unique companies are shown above the postings table.


  • Users can use the contacts page to see other users on the platform that they want to connect to.
  • Here, they can choose who to follow to be notified of their activity.
  • The contacts who they follow will show up on the feed.


The differences between admins and applicants differ in what access they have in the dashboard page.

Admin privileges

  • Edit their own name, email, phone number and role.
  • If the admin demotes themselves to a new user they will be logged out.
  • Able to see an admin table, which allows them to edit each individual user's name, email, phone number and role.
  • Can create new users with either admin or applicant roles.

Applicant privileges

  • Edit their own name, email and phone number.
  • Not able to see the entire users table nor edit their own roles.

Routes overview


Type Route Use Data Return
GET / Get all applications of current user none applications
POST / Create an application for current user userID, company, role, status application
GET /single/:id Get specific application of current user id application
PATCH /:id Modify specific application of current user One of company, postingID, link, role, status, notes, referral application
DELETE / Delete all applications none none


Type Route Use Data Return
GET / Get all users the current user follows none connections
POST / Add a connection with current user followedId user
DELETE /:id Remove one of current user's connections none none
DELETE / Delete all connections none none


Type Route Use Data Return
GET / Get everyone the currnet user follows and for each of them get their feed items none feedItems


Type Route Use Data Return
GET / Get all postings none posting
POST / Add a posting companyName, link, location, role none
DELETE / Delete all postings none none


Type Route Use Data Return
GET /check-session Check if user is logged in none none
POST /login Log in a user email, password id, role
GET /logout Log out a user none none
GET / Get currently logged in user none user
POST / Creates a user email, password, name, role, phone newUser
GET /all Get all users none none
PATCH /edit/:id Edit a user One of name, email, phone, role user
DELETE /remove/:id Delete a user none user
