
omega inventory tracker

Primary LanguageElixir


An example set of code for an omega pricing api

Task Create an application that will track pricing information for products. Product price information will be fetched from an external API, "Omega Pricing Inc." a fictitious company and API, and stored in your application.

NOTE: The Omega Pricing API IS NOT REAL. We made it up for the purpose of this task.

The database should have a products table with the following fields:

  • id
  • external_product_id (which is the id that the external vendor, Omega Pricing Inc., uses),
  • price (in cents),
  • product_name
  • inserted_at (timestamp)
  • updated_at (timestamp)

Each product may be associated with many past_price_records, which is a separate table. A past price record is a record of what the price of something used to be at some point. The past price record has the following fields:

  • id
  • product_id (a foreign key to products)
  • price (again in cents)
  • percentage_change (float)
  • inserted_at (timestamp)
  • updated_at (timestamp)

Your API key for Omega Pricing is "SF934-DKFJ3-S3CR3T-K3Y".

The application should fetch the product records from the Omega Pricing API monthly.

The process for the update is:

Get the product records

Make a GET request to https://omegapricinginc.com/pricing/records.json passing the following URL parameters:

  • key: api_key value: your API key
  • key: start_date value: one month ago
  • key: end_date value: today

Please use your favourite HTTP library for this purpose.

An example JSON payload from the endpoint would look like this:

"productRecords": [
"id": 123456,
"name": "Nice Chair",
"price": "$30.25",
"category": "home-furnishings",
"discontinued": false
"id": 234567,
"name": "Black & White TV",
"price": "$43.77",
"category": "electronics",
"discontinued": true

Process the request records

Process the records as follows:

  • If there's an existing product with an external_product_id that matches the id of a product in the response, it has the same name and the price differs, create a new past price record for the product. Then update the product's price. Do this even if the item is discontinued.

  • If there is not an existing product with a matching external_product_id and the product is not discontinued, create a new product record for it. Explicitly log that there is a new product and that you are creating a new product.

  • If there is an existing product record with a matching external_product_id, but a different product name, log an error message that warns the team that there is a mismatch. Do not update the price.

Submitting your code

Please submit your code by creating a tar ball of the project directory using the command:

tar -zcvf archive-name.tar.gz directory-name