
An e-commerce using Svelte, strapi and stripe from Svelte Tutorial and Projects Course

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Razor Store

This is an app made with Svelte Tutorial and Projects Course by John Smilga.

Why am I doing another Svelte Course? To get the itty details about the framework I seem to have missed in the first course without having too much trouble.

Ps:. I didn't make the design, just toggled around a bit.

What I learned with this project:

  • How to properly use <Svelte: something /> properties
  • How to use derived stores
  • How to set ES6 dynamic properties
  • How to make better reusable functions:
  toggleItem: (item, value) => {
    sidebar.update(storeValues => {
      return {...storeValues, [item]:value}
  • How to implement Stripe payment method to Strapi
  • How to properly use Svelte animations

How to run

  1. Clone repo
git clone git@github.com:analubarreto/RazorStore.git

or, without an ssh-key

git clone https://github.com/analubarreto/RazorStore.git
  1. Cd into folder
  2. Install dependencies
npm i
  1. Run project
npm run dev
  1. Open browser in locahost:5000/


  1. For now most functionalities won't work because I don't have the strapi CMS in a internet Server and for security sake (even if this is a pet project) I'm not going to put the CMS code as open source.
  2. If you want to test here the payment you'll need a stripe account to get your own API key. After getting one you should add a file named stripeKey.js in the constants folder and add your key to it as a default export.