
Basic routines to init OKAPI services, send service execution requests and get results from the server.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Basic routines to init OKAPI services, send service execution requests and get results from the server.


  • Java Development Kit 11
  • Maven 3.6.0
  • org.json package (if you do not use maven)
  • Supported IDEs: Intellij Idea & Eclipse
    • Tested with Intellij Idea 2020-02, Eclipse 2019-03 and 2019-06 on Ubuntu 18.04, macOS 10.14 and Windows 10

The build process using Eclipse

You create a new project within Eclipse and select the directory where the OKAPI files are located. To get rid of the JSON errors, you need to include java-json.jar by opening the properties of your project. Then click on Java BuildPath and Add External JAR. Select the location of the file and apply all changes. Now you are set up to build the example.

Don't forget to add your username and password in the OkapiConnectorTest.java. Get an account at okapiorbits.space/signup!

Create a launch configuration using Eclipse

The OkapiConnectorTest.java contains a runnable part which can be used to create an Eclipse Application configuration. Under Run Configurations choose Java Application and choose New launch configuration. Type the name e.g. OkapiConnectorTest and select the OkapiJavaConnector in the Projectsection. For the Main class input click the search button. It should find the OkapiConnectorTest.java file. You can select this file. This is it! You can now proceed and run the program.

The build process using Intellij Idea

Open Intellij Idea and select the pom.xml file. Click on the Build Project icon. It should automatically retrieve the org.json dependency and build a jar file. You can also run the example when you have added your username and password in OkapiConnectorTest.java. Click on Edit Configurations... then + (Add New Configuration) and select Application. As Main class: select com.okapiorbits.platform.OkapiConnectorTryout. JRE should be A valid Java 11 runtime environment. Click OKand you can execute the OkapiConnectorTest by clicking on the Run button.

When using the JUnit tests, again click on Edit Configurations... then + (Add New Configuration) and select JUnit. Make sure that the test username and password are defined in the Environment variables:


The build process using Maven on the command line

Define your OKAPI username and password via environment variables:

export OKAPI_TEST_USERNAME=<your_username>
export OKAPI_TEST_PASSWORD=<your_password>

Run Maven via command line in the directory you cloned:

mvn clean package


For further information on the available end points of the OKAPI API and the documentation visit okapiorbits.space/documentation.