
This is a base app build from ReactJS and TypeScript.

Primary LanguageSCSS

Code Lab theme

This created from React and TypeScript

Author: Cu Nguyen <cunguyen.dev@gmail.com>

Deploy to Netlify: https://codelab-react-typescript.netlify.app/


  • Node >=8.4.0 / npm >=5.3.0
    • Recommend installing with nvm
  • Yarn >=1.22.4(Optional)

Getting Started

Step by step to run this app in your local

Install packages

At your directory root, run:

npm/yarn install

Run server

npm/yarn start

Open on web: http://localhost:3000 (this is by default, you can custom it)


npm/yarn run build

You can update the source structures to follow your patterns.

Note: Live-reload is supported