
this is the final back-end challenge (an API to control products, stocks and sales) delivered to Growdev, using all the technologies learned during classes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Javascript NodeJS Jest PostgreSQL Sequelize Swagger

This is the final back-end challenge (an API to control products, stocks and sales) delivered to Growdev, using all the technologies learned during classes.

💡 Understanding the problem

The customer needs to control their stocks, sales, and sales return. Today, he doesn't know which category or which product is most returned. Often, when starting a sale, he doesn't known whether the product is in stock. Therefore, the customer set up 3 stocks in different places and if one stock doesn't have the product to sell, he can pick up the nearest one, if has this permission.

💻 The project

We developed an API in order to propose a solution that meets the needs of the client. In it, the customer is able to control his stock of products, his sales and sales return, respecting his business rules.

✔️ Tests running
✔️ Documentation
✔️ Migrations/Models
✔️ Running on Heroku

🔍 Database model


⚙ Technologies and tools used

  • Javascript
  • Nodejs
  • Axios / Express
  • Nodemon / Sucrase
  • PostgreSQL (database)
  • Sequelize (data manipulation)
  • Jest (TDD)
  • Swagger (Documentation)

🚀 How to run the project?

Before start, install Git, Node.js and Yarn on your machine. Moreover, recommend use the VSCode terminal.

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/cunhasbia/final-challenge-backend.git

# Access the repository on your terminal
$ cd final-challenge-backend

# Install dependencies
$ yarn

# Run migrations to database
$ yarn sequelize db:migrate

# Run seeds, to insert information into the database
$ yarn sequelize db:seed:all

# Run
$ yarn dev

# The API will be running on port 3333

Click here to use the Insomnia workspace and access the routes.

👩‍💻 Authors/Team

Bianca Cunha

Luciano Ferreira

Lucimara Nakata

Thielly Langer

Viviane Bresolin

William Ribeiro

Starter Program - 3rd edition | Growdev