
setting up aws credentials

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I am attempting to use the CLI to work directly with the DANDI Archive (related to #132). I am trying to follow the instructions here for setting up the CLI.

First of all, it is not clear to me from these instructions how I am supposed to configure the aws cli. I guess I am supposed to run aws configure, so I do that. I get:

AWS Access Key ID [None]:
AWS Secret Access Key [None]:
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:

I copy/pasted the AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key from and left the other two blank. Then I ran aws s3 ls and get

An error occurred (InvalidAccessKeyId) when calling the ListBuckets operation: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. First, that configuration step is correct, and we can make that clearer.
Second, can you provide the email address you used to sign up for NeuroCAAS? We can check your account from our side.

Thanks for looking into this, @cellistigs!

btw, your github profile does not have a name. Who are you?

I did a bit of digging to see if I could solve this on my own.
I tried:


as recommended by this stackoverflow post but it did not fix it. I also deleted ~/.aws/config and confirmed ~/.aws/credentials was correct.

My account is pretty old so I would not be surprised if it was removed from inactivity. If that's the case, it would be nice to get some sort of message indicating this at least on the web UI

I've taken a look at your AWS credentials, and it looks like there was a potential issue with a migration of our user management system since you signed up. Additionally, as a user you may not have permission to list all buckets in our account.

I have reset your AWS credentials as located on the NeuroCAAS website. Can you please reconfigure your CLI, and run the following command:

aws s3 ls s3://dlc-ncap-web

And please let me know if that's successful.

Closing this following update from our meeting.