
Concourse resource for storing and reading Kubernetes helm charts from an S3-based repository.

Primary LanguageShell

Concourse S3 Helm Chart Resource

Concourse resource for S3-based helm chart repositories. Piggy-backs on the helm-s3 plugin.

Source Configuration

  • aws_access_key_id: Required The AWS access key to use when accessing the bucket.
  • aws_secret_access_key: Required The AWS secret key to use when accessing the bucket.
  • s3_bucket_name: Required The name of the bucket.
  • s3_bucket_path: Required Repository path in the bucket.
  • chart_name: Required The name of the chart.


check: Extract versions from repository

in: Download a chart from repository

Creates the following files:

  • chart.tgz: The chart.
  • version: The chart version.

out: Push a chart to repository

Packages and uploads a chart to S3, updating index.yaml in the root of the repository accordingly.


  • chart: Required The chart directory.
  • version_file: Optional File containing chart version. If omitted, version is read from Chart.yaml.
  • app_version_file: Optional File containing app version. If omitted, appVersion is read from Chart.yaml.

Example Configuration

Resource Type

  - name: s3-helm-chart
    type: docker-image
      repository: arrivalmobility/concourse-s3-helm-chart-resource


  - name: my-app-chart
    type: s3-helm-chart
      aws_access_key_id: ((aws-access-key-id))
      aws_secret_access_key: ((aws-secret-access-key))
      s3_bucket_name: mybucket
      s3_bucket_path: charts
      chart_name: my-app


- get: my-app-chart
- put: my-app-chart
    chart: my-app/helm/my-app
    version_file: version/number
    app_version_file: version/number