
sdtables (schema data tables) is a module providing convenient wrapper functions for working with tabulated from various sources including MS Excel

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


WARNING: Version 2.0.0 introduces breaking changes. If you depend on previous functions please pin your dependencies to 1.0.8 and plan to migrate to the new SdTables() class.

sdtables (schema defined tables) is a module providing convenient wrapper functions for working with and creating tabulated data from various sources including MS Excel. We are using pythons jsonschema to build table structures and validate data.

Install with pip3:

pip3 install sdtables

Check out the ./examples for usage.

TODO: Update docs Documentation can be found here

SDtables CLI

For convenience, you can now use the sdtables script to parse an Excel file and dump the containing tables to CLI in various formats using pythons tabulate module.


(general) CUNNINGR-M-X436:sdtables cunningr$ sdtables display --input examples/example.xlsx
            ____  ____  _        _     _              ____ _     ___
           / ___||  _ \| |_ __ _| |__ | | ___  ___   / ___| |   |_ _|
           \___ \| | | | __/ _` | '_ \| |/ _ \/ __| | |   | |    | |
            ___) | |_| | || (_| | |_) | |  __/\__ \ | |___| |___ | |
           |____/|____/ \__\__,_|_.__/|_|\___||___/  \____|_____|___|

Worksheet: Sheet1

Table Name: super.heros
| Name   | Surname   |   Age | Gender   | Date of Birth       |
| Bat    | Man       |    34 | M        | 1954-04-04 00:00:00 |
| Super  | Man       |    32 | M        | 1954-04-05 00:00:00 |
| Wonder | Woman     |    26 | F        | 1954-04-06 00:00:00 |
| Super  | Woman     |    38 | F        | 1954-04-07 00:00:00 |

Table Name: vehicles
| Make    | Model   | Colour     | Type   |
| Fiat    | Panda   | Light Blue | Car    |
| Citroen | AX      | Grey       | Car    |
| Honda   | MT5     | Blue       | Bike   |
| Yamaha  | TZR     | Black      | Bike   |

Use the --output option to set the tablulate output format.

Features Summary

Excel (xlsx)

Issue Description Status
Load data to dict from Excel tables Complete
Add data tables to excel using first row keys as headers Complete
Add data tables to excel using a schema to define headers Complete
Add Excel data validation to excel using a schema (enum|tref|default values) Complete
Add schema with Excel data validation to excel without data Complete
Update data in existing table On Hold
Delete table On Hold
Validate table data against jsonschema draft7_format_checker Complete
Can tref schema definition be improved? New
Update docs New
Create examples Complete
Cli for convenient testing and common operations Complete


  • Update data in table -> create new git Issue
  • Without schema there is no data validation. Can this be enhanced?
  • This breaks data validation since this is not moved when rows are inserted
  • Delete table -> create new git Issue This is broken as we don't remove the data or other formatting
  • Validate table data against schema (add to docs)
  • We are using draft7_format_checker which means we can check common formats such as ipv4 and regex
  • Currently need to save the Excel file before we can read back table data. Need to store table data natively and use this for validation