
Just some stuff for testing

Live Exercise Example

  1. Write a simple shell script prints "Hello World" to STDOUT (1)
  2. Modify the shell script so the command that prints the above string is inside a function. Ensure that you call that function and so that the script still prints to STDOUT. (2)
  3. Make the print function you created in 2. run in a loop forever with a pause each time of 3 seconds until the script is terminated (2)
  4. Create a new docker container image using apline as the Parent Image. (2)
  5. Execute the new container image locally for testing. Ensure that the container is running and that it is running the script. The container MUST run continuously (2)
  6. Create a new branch in the git repo that you cloned and commit the new files (1)
  7. Create a PR and merge your new changes back to the main branch (1)
  8. Publish your container to dockerhub.com (or any other publically accessible container repo) (1)
  9. Ask the moderator to share their screen desktop and guide them through building and running your new image (4)
  10. Follow up questions (4)