
Programming the Finite Element Method_I M Smith & D V Griffiths_Microsoft Visual Studio_Intel Visual Fortran

Primary LanguageFortranMIT LicenseMIT

Programming the finite element method_5th edition


As a engineering student, I has been appealed by the classic textbook - Programming the finite element method for more than five years. When I was a bachelor, my supervisor Prof. Shang guided me to understand the theory of finite element method using coding. It was really impressive. Recently, I realize that it may be meaningful to reconstruct the code using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2013, making it convenient for debuging and second development.

I once used Microsoft Windowing Application to present the modelling results. However, the Graphical User Interface (GUI) is not satisfactory. In this repository, I do not pay attention to visualization. What I focus on are the input and output files, algorithms, and the readibility of the code.
