Admin dashboard starter using Reactjs

Tech Stacks

  1. React

  2. Typescript

  3. Redux Toolkit: state management

  4. Redux Saga: redux middleware

  5. Redux persist: persist state

  6. tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework

  7. styled component: manage CSS

  8. i18next: localization

  9. axios: HTTP client

  10. react-router-dom: manage app route

  11. react-form-hook: manage form state

  12. yup: validate form library

Mock Back-end

We use axios-mock-adapter for demo purpose, it intercepts axios requests and redirects to mocked handlers.

For more info on the library:

How switching to the Real REST API

Remove mock initialization in the src/index.js file:

 * Website public url.
 * @see
const { PUBLIC_URL } = process.env;
- * Mock API, use return `mock` variable to add new mocks.
- *
- * @see
- */
-/* const mock = */_redux.mockAxios(axios);

 * Inject metronic interceptors for axios.

Setup your real API URL in the .env file and restart your application.