
Bot ChatGPT for Discord, a lightweight yet powerful tool that allows for customization of temperature, prompts, and more.

Primary LanguagePython

ChatGPT Discord Bot: Fast. No daily limits. Special chat modes

+ I am very interested in this repository, so you don't need to worry if there
+ hasn't been an update for a while. Simply put, it is still functioning stably
+ without the need for updates.

If you need an additional bot on Telegram, you may like this repository: https://github.com/karfly/chatgpt_telegram_bot

Discord BOT: NullGPT#0657 https://discord.gg/kCwPAGj9Rc


  • Low latency replies
  • No request limits
  • Message streaming
  • Code highlighting
  • Special chat modes. You can easily create your own chat modes by editing config.py
  • The program is lightweight and compact, simply a Python script without any accompanying database or other components.
  • The software has a high level of customization, allowing you to adjust the "temperature" or use a quick selection button for "temperature" if you are not satisfied with the result.
  • Use the "history: number_of_last_messages" option to utilize chat history only when necessary.


  • To run a local test, simply create a .env file and copy the content of the .env.example file over. Please note that you need to fill in the API KEY completely. python main.py
  • To run on Docker, you need to modify the environment variables in the docker-compose.yml file and then run docker-compose up --build -d.


Bot commands:

  • /code
  • /assistant
  • /english_translator
  • /english_translator_technical
  • /english_teacher
  • /text_improver
  • /show_history <number_of_last_messages>
  • /regenerate: Regenerate the answer with customizable options that can be modified
  • /estimate: Task estimate assistant

You can easily add or delete as desired in config.py


  • continue_conv <True/False>: Whether to continue the previous conversation
  • prompt: required
  • temperature: The temperature to use for message generation. Default in config.py
  • history: default 0. If this option is used, it will disable the 'continue_conv' option.
  • max_tokens: default 1000

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