Transform the provided JSON data into a single response and send it to the frontend. Then use that response to render a layout using TypeScript and JSX through modern React. The layout should resemble the provided design mocks, but does not have to be pixel perfect. You can use the provided CSS classes or write your own CSS.
- Transform the messy data given in the JSON files to a well restructured response for the frontend.
- Should adhere to REST standards
- Should not send excessive information
- Should be structured so it is easy to use in the frontend
- Solve incomplete setup steps to get all data to the frontend
- Hide that the app is powered by Express
- User must be authorized to view the "Recently Played" game list
- Send the structured response and fetch it in the frontend.
- Use JSX through modern React to produce an information structure.
- Should resemble the given designs
- Should use the data sent from the backend
- Provide a short list of things you would do to make the app production ready
- No additional packages are to be installed.
- The .json-files are to be considered as api-responses, they cannot be altered directly.
- backend.ts, frontend.tsx, styles.css and index.html can be freely changed.
Author your solution in the following places:
This setup provides a development server to be used in your machine. Prerequisites are node.js (LTS)
- Install dependencies:
npm ci
- Start server:
npm start
- When done, package your solution with the following command:
npm pack
- And then send us your
Your code test will be evaluated against the following criteria:
- Meets the stated requirements
- Ability to transform and structure the data
- Simple over clever
- Understanding of:
– REST fundamentals
- React fundamentals
- TypeScript
- Immutability vs. mutability