
Primary LanguageSwift



SplitTweet allow users to post short message limited to 50 characters.


  • iOS 13.0
  • Xcode 11
  • Swift 5.1

What I've done

  • Logic for split message tweet
  • TweetSplit application
  • Unit test

Steps to SplitTweet works

  • Declare TWEET_MAX_LENGTH variable, so we can easy to change it later
private let TWEET_MAX_LENGTH = 50
  • Step 1: Standard input tweet.
extension String { 
    public func standardizedWhitespace() -> String {
        let components = self.components(separatedBy: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
        return components.filter { !$0.isEmpty }.joined(separator: " ")
  • Step 2: Check a tweet is empty
if tweetString.count == 0 {
  return []
  • Step 3: Check a tweet has number of characters smaller or equal 50. Return message.
if tweetString.count <= TWEET_MAX_LENGTH {
  • Step 4: Check if a tweet contains a word which has more than 50 characters.
let parts = tweetString.components(separatedBy:" ")
//Check string more than 50 chracters
for item in parts {
    if item.count > TWEET_MAX_LENGTH {
       return []
  • Step 5: Implement SplitTweet logic

Dividing the assuming number of subtweets to different ranges. (1-9, 10-99, 100-999...) Why should we do that? For example, if the number of subtweets is from 1-9, all the indicator is in form of "x/x " which needs 4 characters to present. If the number of subtweets if from 10-99, the indicators are in form of "x/yy "(5 characters) or "xx/yy " (6 characters).

var maxNumberSubTweet = 1
var count = 0
while true {
      let result = combineMessages(parts, withMaxNumberSubTweet: maxNumberSubTweet, AndMaximumTweetLength: TWEET_MAX_LENGTH)
      if result.success {
         return result.subTweets
      } else {
        count = count + 1
        maxNumberSubTweet = Int(powf(10.0, Float(count))) - 1;

We will run into many ranges until we find the suitable results. In each range,

  • Create a new sentence with a first word in the tweet.
  • We will loop all words in a tweet
    • Calculate the index of the subtweet.
    var numberSubTweet = 1
    • Calculate the number of characters that the indicators need.
    var maxSubTweetLength = maxTweetLength - lengthOfIndicator(numberSubTweet, andMaxNumberOfSubTweet: maxNumberSubTweet)
    • Try to append a word into a sentence if there is a space. If not, create a new subtweet and append a proccessing word to subtweet.
    for index in 1..<(messages.count) {
        let message  = messages[index]
        if (sentence.count + message.count + 1) <= maxSubTweetLength {
            sentence = "\(sentence) \(message)"
        } else {
            numberSubTweet = numberSubTweet + 1
            maxSubTweetLength = maxTweetLength - lengthOfIndicator(numberSubTweet, andMaxNumberOfSubTweet: maxNumberSubTweet)
            sentence = message
        if numberSubTweet > maxNumberSubTweet {
            return Result(subTweets: [], success: false)
    • If the number of subtweets is out of the defined range, we will try to increase the assuming number of subtweets to the next range.
      if numberSubTweet > maxNumberSubTweet {
          return Result(subTweets: [], success: false)
  • Loop to all subtweets, append the indicator and return the result.
    for (i, sentence) in results.enumerated() {
       results[i] = "\(i+1)/\(numberSubTweet) \(sentence)"
    return Result(subTweets:results, success: true)


SplitTweet is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.