
CLI to list outstanding PRs raised by members of a team

Primary LanguageGo


CLI to list outstanding PRs that are waiting for reviews raised by the calling user, or members of their team

PRs from archived repositories are ignored.



  brew tap cuotos/tap
  brew install outstanding-prs

  # or upgrade with
  brew upgrade outstanding-prs


go get github.com/cuotos/outstanding-prs will download and install and build the lastest code the binary into your $GOBIN


see https://hub.docker.com/r/cuotos/outstanding-prs

docker run --rm -ti -e GITHUB_TOKEN=<Personal Access Token> -e PRS_GITHUB_ORG=<org name> -e PRS_GITHUB_TEAM=<team name> cuotos/outstanding-prs

If the env vars are already set in your shell, you can shared them with the container directly

docker run --rm -ti -e GITHUB_TOKEN -e PRS_GITHUB_ORG -e PRS_GITHUB_TEAM cuotos/outstanding-prs


Can be found here releases/latest


Export required vars, or set them in you bash_profile etc

export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your github PAT token>
export PRS_GITHUB_ORG=<github org> 

# the following is only required if you want to view all PRS for your team
export PRS_GITHUB_TEAM=<github team>

To view your own PRs that are waiting for reviews
$ outstanding-prs

To view all PRs for your github team that are waiting for reviews
$ outstanding-prs -team

To viw all PRs INCLUDING those that have been approved but are still open
$ outstanding-prs -approved

Building and Releasing

Project uses Go Releaser

After tagging the latest commit with a semver tag, goreleaser release is all that is required to build and upload the binaries to Github, Homebrew, and Docker hub.