Social Network API


As part of the UC Berkeley Extension Full Stack Coding Bootcamp, I built an API for a social network web application where users can share thoughts, react to thoughts posted by friends, and manage a friends list.

Tech Used

We're in the NoSQL section of the bootcamp, so a main component of this project is using Mongoose to connect to a MongoDB database. Other tech includes Express.js

Demonstration Videos

The challenge requires thorough documentation in the form of demonstration videos. So here are 4 videos recorded to demonstrate the full functionality of the application:

Part 1

  • Links to videos:
  • Length of video: 4:35
  • Topics covered:
    • All of the technical acceptance criteria being met
    • How to start the application’s server
    • GET routes for all users and all thoughts being tested in Insomnia Core
    • GET routes for a single user and a single thought being tested in Insomnia Core
    • POST routes for users

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4