
Demo downloader and watching utility and browser plugin

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Easy demowatching - a single click bringing you the finest in computer art!

pouet demozoo

How to use

  1. Download and install Conduit via the handy dandy installer - this will install a handler for the conduit:// URL scheme
  2. Optionally, run Conduit and use the options dialog to set the path where your demos will be downloaded - by default this will be the "Demos" folder in My Documents.
  3. Install the browser plugins for Firefox or Chrome
  4. Visit a page on Pouet or Demozoo and click the newly visible link to have the demo downloaded, unpacked and ran at your leisure.

Browser plugins


  • Platforms: Windows, OSX (with Mono), Linux (with Mono)
  • Sites: Pouet, Demozoo
  • Unpackers: ZIP
  • Runnable platforms: Windows, DOS (with DOSBox), C64 (with WinVICE)

Possible future expansions

  • Browsers: Edge
  • Sites: CSDb
  • Runners: Amiga (with WinUAE), web browser (autodetecting browser), Atari (STeeM), other uses of WinVICE
  • Unpackers: RAR, LHA