
Curator.io Social Feed Widgets

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repository is not longer maintained and contains old code.

You can find the latest Curator documentation here.

We've left the code and documentation below for reference purposes.

Curator.io Social Feed Widgets




Sign up to Curator.io to set up a social feed.

You'll need your unique FEED_ID to use the widgets.

You can find the FEED_ID here:

Screenshot of Curator Admin showing FEED ID


CDN hosted Curator.io Widgets are a great way to get up and running quickly:

In your <head> add:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//cdn.curator.io/3.1/css/curator.css"/>

In your <body> where you want the feed to appear:

<div id="curator-feed">
    <a href="https://curator.io" target="_blank" class="crt-logo">Powered by Curator.io</a>

Then, before your closing <body> tag add:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.curator.io/3.1/js/curator.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    // Change FEED_ID to your unique FEED_ID
    var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Waterfall({
        debug:true, // While you're testing


Curator can be loaded via RequireJS using the following method.

Note the shim 'curator': {deps: ['jquery'] }.

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/require.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    paths: {
        'jquery': '//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min', // or zepto
        'curator': '//cdn.curator.io/3.1/js/curator.core.min',
    shim: {
        'curator': {deps: ['jquery'] }, // jquery or zepto
    require(['curator'], function(Curator) {
        // // Change FEED_ID to your unique FEED_ID
        var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Waterfall({
            debug:true, // While we're testing


There are 4 main widgets in the Curator library:


var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Waterfall({
    // ...


var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Carousel({
    // ...


var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Grid({
    // ...


var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Panel({
    // ...


Default Options

var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Waterfall({    
    feedId: 'ABC123',                // FEED_ID to load
    container:'#curator-feed',       // HTML element to hold the feed
    postsPerPage: 12,                // number of posts per page
    debug: false,                    // turn debugging on or off
    lang: 'en',                      // translation used - en, de, it, nl, es
    postClickAction:'open-popup',    // what to do when a post is clicked - open-popup | goto-source | nothing
    postClickReadMoreAction:'open-popup',    // what to do when a post read more button is clicked - open-popup | goto-source | nothing
    maxHeight:0,                     // if > 0 sets the maximum height of a post 
    filter: {
        showNetworks: false,         // show Networks filter bar
        showSources: false           // show Sources filter bar

Widget Options

Each of the widgets can be passed a set of options to customise the widget


var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Waterfall({
    // ...
    waterfall: {
        gridWidth: 250,    // sets the desired column width
        animate: true,     // should the posts animate in?
        animateSpeed: 400  


var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Carousel({
    // ...
       autoPlay: true,    // carousel will auto rotate
       autoLoad: true,    // carusel will auto load new when it reaches the end of the current page of posts
       minWidth: 250,     // the minimum width of the post, used when calculating responsive post width
       infinite: false    // if the last post is reached should it rotate back to the start


var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Grid({
    // ...
    grid: {
        minWidth: 200,  // minimum width of a square in the grid
        rows: 3         // desired number of rows in the grid


var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Panel({
    // ...
    panel: {
        autoPlay: true,     // carousel will auto rotate
        autoLoad: true,     // carousel will auto load new when it reaches the end of the current page of posts
        moveAmount: 1,      // number of posts to move at a time
        infinite: true      // if the last post is reached should it rotate back to the start


The widget will broadcast events when users interaction with it or various system events take place.

You can subscribe to events like so:

widget.on(Curator.Events.POST_CLICK, function(evt, post, postJson) {
    window.alert('Someone clicked on post '+postJson.id)
Event Args Description
feed:loaded data AJAX loaded feed successfully
feed:failed data AJAX failed to load feed
filter:changed filter Filter option selected
posts:loaded posts AJAX loaded posts successfully (basically same as feed:loaded but just returns the feed.posts)
posts:failed data AJAX failed to load feed (basically same as feed:failed but just returns the feed.posts)
post:created post Post was added to the widget DOM
post:click post Widget post was clicked on by the user
post:clickReadMore post Post read more button was clicked by a user
post:imageLoaded post Post image loaded successfully
post:imageFailed post Image failed to load
posts:rendered widget Post have been rendered and added to the DOM
carousel:changed widget Carousel or Panel widget completed a rotation

Changing Post HTML

Curator uses a basic templating language similar to Handlebars or EJS to define the layout of the posts, popup and various other elements.

You can override the templates using one of two methods:

Method 1 - Via HTML Templates

You can override the templates by adding <script type="text/html" id="TEMPLATE_ID">...</script> tags do your HTML, and passing TEMPLATE_ID when you create the widget using the option templatePost.

For example:

<!-- Template Code -->
<script type="text/html" id="my-post-template">
    <div class="crt-post-v2 crt-post crt-post-<%=this.networkIcon()%>" data-post="<%=id%>">
        <div class="crt-post-c">

<!-- Javascript Code -->
<script type="text/javascript">

    // Change FEED_ID to your unique FEED_ID
    var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Waterfall({
Method 2 - Via Javascript

Alternatively you can override the templates via Javascript.

For example:

<script type="text/javascript">

    Curator.Templates['post-v2'] = '\
    <div class="crt-post-v2 crt-post crt-post-<%=this.networkIcon()%>" data-post="<%=id%>"> \
        <div class="crt-post-c"> \
            <%=this.parseText(text)%> \
        </div> \

    // Change FEED_ID to your unique FEED_ID
    var widget = new Curator.Widgets.Waterfall({
Current Templates

See the templates directory file for the HTML templates.

Following templates are predefined:

  • Curator.Templates['post-v2']
  • Curator.Templates['popup']
  • Curator.Templates['popup-underlay']
  • Curator.Templates['popup-wrapper']
  • Curator.Templates['grid-post-v2']
  • Curator.Templates['grid-feed-v2']

Custom CSS

As the widget HTML is added directly to the HTML of the webpage (not using an IFRAME) the CSS styles of the widget can be overridden in the same way you'd override CSS on the page. You can use CSS Specificity (see MDN Specificity) to override the styles predefined by the curator.css file.

In the example below we use the ID selector of the div containing the widget '#curator-feed' to override the font-size of the post:

#curator-feed .crt-post .crt-post-content-text {

These styles can be placed in the websites main css file or a <style> tag in the actual HTML.