
Extensions for publoader

Primary LanguagePython


This guide have some instructions and tips on how to create a new publisher extension. Please read it carefully if you're a new contributor or don't have any experience on the required languages and knowledges.

This guide is not definitive, and it's being updated over time. If you find any issue on it, feel free to open an issue or fix it directly yourself by opening a PR.


Before you start, please note that the ability to use following technologies is required and that existing contributors will not actively teach them to you.

Writing an extension

The quickest way to get started is to copy an existing extension's folder structure and renaming it as needed. We also recommend reading through a few existing extensions' code before you start.

You are responsible for implementing rate-limiting for your extension yourself.

Setting up your extension directory

Each extension should reside in /src/<extension_name>.

extension_name can only be ascii, lowercase and not contain punctuation or spaces, except _. Your extension will not run if the extension directory name (and with extension, the main-file name) are not valid.

Extension directory structure

The simplest extension structure looks like this:

├── <extension_name>.py
├── manga_id_map.json
├── override_options.json
├── requirements.txt
└── <any_file_or_dir_you_want>


This is the entry point for your extension. The name of the file should match the name of the extension directory.


Can be any name. The MangaDex id to the publisher site's manga ids, or whatever id you will use to associate a chapter to a manga. The structure of the file can be whatever you want, however you need to provide a list of tracked MangaDex manga ids.


Can be any name and is not necessary. This file contains any manual overrides for certain series or chapters that do not conform to a standard format. Your implementation should sanitise chapter titles to conform to MangaDex's rules.

The bot only accesses the same, custom_language, multi_chapters, and override_chapter_numbers fields, all other fields can be named differently.

If you want to include this file, use the structure as follows:

    "empty": [],
    "noformat": [],
    "custom": {"series_id": "regex"},
    "same": {"chapter_to_keep_id": ["other_chapter_id"]},
    "custom_language": {},
    "multi_chapters": {"chapter_id":  ["chapter_number"]},
    "override_chapter_numbers": {"chapter_id": "overriden_chapter_number"}
  • "empty": [], An array of manga ids for chapters that will never have a title (null).
  • "noformat": [], For titles that you do not want your titles regex to format.
  • "custom": {}, For series you want to use custom regex for. If not, the dictionary should be empty.
  • "same": {}, Chapters that are the same, but uploaded under different ids. Chapters that are part of the dictionary's values are not uploaded and only the dictionary's keys are. The dictionary should be empty if this field is not applicable.
  • "custom_language": {} For series that have languages that are not documented or follow your site's language specification.


You can use whatever modules you want to, but remember to include a requirements.txt in your extension directory.

Scheduling the extension for running

Add the time to run the extension in the file /schedule.json. The day key is optional and can be omitted. The dict should extend to the current file and should follow the format:

<extension_name>: {
  "day": <int>,
  "hour": <24_hour_clock_int>,
  "minute": <int>,

The extension's name should be the same as the extension directory name and mainfile.

This timings defined here ignore the run_at method defined in the extension.

Extension main class

The class that is used to read the chapter data from. This class must be named Extension and your extension will not run if this class is not available.

class Extension:
    def __init__(self, extension_dirpath: Path, **kwargs):

Main class key variables

Field Type Description
name str Name used in the database and in the logs. Can contain - or _. This name should not be changed.
mangadex_group_id str MangaDex id of the group to upload to.
override_options dict Your custom overridden options file after being opened and read. If not used, return an empty dict {}.
extension_languages List[str] A list of languages supported by the extension.
tracked_mangadex_ids List[str] A list of MangaDex manga ids the extension uploads to.
disabled bool If the extension is active to run or skipped. If missing, this will default to True.

Main class key methods

None of the following methods called by the bot should accept parameters.

  • get_updated_chapters(self) -> List[Chapter] Returns a list of newly released chapters.
  • get_all_chapters(self) -> List[Chapter] Returns all the chapters available for a series, uploaded or not uploaded. Must be provided if possible. Returning None will skip checking if chapters have been removed, an empty list will remove the chapters for that series.
  • get_updated_manga(self) -> List[Manga] Returns a list of untracked newly added series.
  • run_at(self) -> datetime.time A datetime or time object of when you want the extension to be run. If this is a datetime object, the extension will only be run on the day specified (year and month are ignored). If this is a time object, the extension will be run daily. Having the minute parameter set as anything other than zero will not run the extension.
  • clean_at(self) -> Optional[List[int]] The days you want to run the extension as if it is a fresh run. This allows the bot to check for duplicate chapters, chapters not uploaded and chapters needing to be deleted. Allowed values: None to disable this, [] for the default day (wednesday), an int value in the range 0-6 (inclusive) for the day of the week, e.g. [0, 3] for mondays and thursdays.
  • daily_check_run(self) -> bool If you want the bot to run daily at 1am to catch any chapters that may have not been uploaded.

If the chapter and manga methods do not return the correct type, the extension run will be skipped.

The following methods should accept the parameters specified. Your implementation of the parameters is to your discretion.

  • update_external_data(self, posted_chapter_ids: List[str], fetch_all_chapters: bool, **kwargs) -> None Provides data to use before starting the fetch of chapters. posted_chapter_ids provides the ids of chapters already uploaded. fetch_all_chapters is True if the bot is going through the clean cycle. **kwargs needs to be implemented.

The list of chapters returned must be of the Chapter class. The chapter class is provided in the package publoader.models.dataclasses. The chapter class contains the following fields:

Fields with Optional[] can be left as null, fields without must be populated.

  • chapter_timestamp: datetime.datetime. Datetime object of when the chapter was published. This is updated to be timezone-aware.
  • chapter_expire: Optional[datetime.datetime]. Datetime object of when the chapter expires, if the chapter does not expire, this can be null. This is updated to be timezone-aware.
  • chapter_title: Optional[str]. Chapter title.
  • chapter_number: Optional[str]. Chapter number, must follow the MangaDex chapter number regex.
  • chapter_language: str. ISO-639-2 code.
  • chapter_volume: Optional[str]. Chapter volume. If the series uses seasons, use this field. Keep empty if the chapter does not have a volume.
  • chapter_id: str. Chapter id.
  • chapter_url: str. Chapter link.
  • manga_id: str. The publisher's series id.
  • md_manga_id: str. The MangaDex manga id to upload the chapter to.
  • manga_name: str. The series name.
  • manga_url: str. The series link.

Extension module key variables

__version__ must be provided to track the extension's version.

The logger must be used. Use the setup_logs function to set up your logger.

from publoader.utils.logs import setup_extension_logs


Functions provided for use

from publoader.utils.utils import open_manga_id_map, open_title_regex

manga_id_map = open_manga_id_map(file_path: Path)
override_options = open_title_regex(file_path: Path)
from publoader.utils.misc import find_key_from_list_value

dictionary_key = find_key_from_list_value(dict_to_search: Dict[str, List[str]], list_element: str)

This function returns the dictionary key after lookup in the dictionary values' arrays.

Variables provided for use

from publoader.utils.utils import chapter_number_regex


provides the pattern used by MangaDex to validate the chapter number.

Submitting your extension

Open a PR from your repo to the Publoader master branch with your extension. Format the code using the Black formatter with the default args. You must ensure your extension works, as erroneous extensions will be skipped.