
Store Ruby Hash into Reids as JSON

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate Dependency Status

HashStore store RubyHash into Redis as JSON.

Automatically add redis command(GET,SET,DEL,EXITS) methods to your class. HashStore was designed to work with ActiveRecord, but also work with Non-ActiveRecord Class.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hash_store'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hash_store

Getting Start

Create redis connection, and pass it to HashStore.

For Rails apps example:


redis = Redis.new(host: "", port: 6380)
HashStore::Config.redis = redis


For Rails example:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  hash_store :address,
             hash: ->(model){ {address: model.address} }

  hash_store :for_name,
             key: ->(model){ "hoge:#{model.id}" },
             hash: ->(model){ {id: model.id, name: model.name } }

see more detail schema model sample data

Default Behavior


This is default behavior. Redis key will be "{table_name}:#{record id}" . Hash will contain all columns except created_at, updated_at.

User#hash_store_key   # => "users:1"
User#set_hash!        # => SET command for this instance.
User#get_hash         # => GET command for this instance.
                           nil if key not found.
                           return hash(like {"address"=>"Nagoya, Japan", "first_name"=>"Hoge", "id"=>7, "last_name"=>"Foo"})
User#get_hash(json: true)  # => If you pass {json: true}, get_hash don't convert json to hash.
                                Its return json string("{\"address\":\"Nagoya, Japan\",\"first_name\":\"Hoge\",\"id\":8,\"last_name\":\"Foo\"}")
User#del_hash!        # => DEL command for this instance.
User#exists_hash?     # => true if key present on redis, false otherwise.

User.hash_store_key       # => returns key proc object.
User.get_hash("users:1")  # => returns same hash as User#get_hash

Customize Hash

   hash_store :address, hash: ->(model){ {address: model.address} }

You can customize hash.

User#hash_store_key_address   # => "users:address:8"
User#get_hash_address         # => GET command for this instance.
                                   nil if key not found.
                                   return hash(like {"address"=>"Nagoya, Japan"}

User.get_hash_address("users:address:8")  # => returns same hash as User#get_hash_address

Customize Key and Hash

hash_store :for_name,  key: ->(model){ "hoge:#{model.id}" },  hash: ->(model){ {id: model.id, name: model.name } }`

And you can specify key for redis.

User#hash_store_key_for_name   # => "hoge:10"
User#get_hash_for_name         # => GET command for this instance.
                                    nil if key not found.
                                    return hash(like {"id"=>16, "name"=>"Hoge Foo"})

User.get_hash_for_name("hoge:10")  # => returns same hash as User#get_hash_for_name

For Non-ActiveRecord class example:

class Player
  include HashStore
  hash_store nil,
             key: ->(ins){ "player:#{ins.id}" },
             hash: ->(ins){ {body: ins.body} }
  hash_store :for_name,
             key: ->(ins){ "player:#{ins.name}:#{ins.id}" },
             hash: ->(ins){ {name: ins.name} }

(same as above)

But, you must pass name, options(:key and :hash) arguments to hash_store.