6 Programming problems from Medium.com article (https://medium.com/better-programming/do-you-know-how-to-solve-these-programming-problems-18d04defc05e).
1.py - Plus Minus
2.py - Two Sum
3.py - Largest palindrome product
4.py - Distinct powers
Actually this one ended to be hardest task from all. I didnt used brute force like in article or like most of people would do. I've made assuption that a and b lowest limit is 2 and this is not mentioned in task. Though brute force solution in article also making assumption that a and b have same limits. But, anyway with slight modification of code it can be changed.
5.py - Kaprekars Constant
6.py - Swap Nodes in Pairs
Python is not the best language for nodes task, but i've done it anyway.