
react-native native module for In App Purchase.

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React Native IAP hook is out. You can see medium post on how to use it.

The react-native-iap module hasn't been maintained well recently. We are thinking of participating again and make the module healthier. Please refer to 2021 Maintenance plan and share with us how you or your organization is using it. Happy new year πŸŽ‰

  • The sample code is out in Sponsor page in dooboolab.com repository which sadly is rejected by Apple because of lacking product features. I will work on another example project to support this module. More information in #1241 commment.


This react-native module will help you access the In-app purchases capabilities of your phone on the Android, iOS platforms and the Amazon platform (Beta).

Keep in mind react-native-iap will provide the basic features you need but is not a turnkey solution, implementing In-app purchases in your app will still require quite some work.
Also, implementing the client side is only one side of the coin, you'll have to implement the server side to validate your receipts (which is probably the most time consuming part to do it correctly).

If you're looking for a module going further than react-native-iap, we recommend using react-native-iaphub which is taking care of everything from the client side to the server side.

⚠️ Most of users experiencing issues are caused by:



Quick News

  • We had hard time supporting react-native-iap issues that did not provide working codes or any other examples. Therefore, we've decided to make an example app called DoobooIAP, which will contain all the features of IAP's and willing to continuously improve to support real-life examples. @Bang9 who had been helping many others for react-native-iap, is willing to support this repo so he will grant $300 of our income in opencollective as described in #855 πŸŽ‰.
  • react-native-iap@4.0.8 ~ react-native-iap@4.1.0 is incompatible with react-native <0.61. This is fixed in react-native-iap@4.1.1 and above.
  • react-native-iap@4.0.0 has been released. You can see #716 for updates.
  • In the past, react-native-iap@^3.* has been updated very prompty for migration issues. Don't get suprised too much on why it is bumping up version so quickly these days.
    1. Migrated to new AndroidX APIs.
    2. Migrated to new Android billing client which is > 2.0.0.
    3. New Purchase Flow
    4. More is comming in iOS 13.

Breaking Changes

  • Migrated to AndroidX in 3.1.0. Please check the Migration Guide.
  • Recommended to use 3.2.0 or above for react-native-iap@^3.0.0 users.
    • Now, you should acknowledge purchase with non-consumable and subscription purchase from 3.0.0. See more about acknowledgePurchase.
    • If you are using version ^3.0.* < ^3.1.0, please use acknowledgePurchase supported in 3.0.3. You can use method like androidpublisher.purchases.subscriptions.acknowledge.
  • 3.4.0 introduces a similar flow to consumable purchases on iOS. You should update your code according to the recommended flow and pass false to andDangerouslyFinishTransactionAutomatically when callingrequestPurchase.

Configuration of Google Play & iTunes Connect

  • Please refer to Blog.

Deprecated README

  • If you are using react-native-iap@^2.*, please follow the above README.

News on Major Releases


Method Result Description
initConnection() Promise<boolean> Init IAP module.
On Android this can be called to preload the connection to Play Services.
On iOS, it will simply call canMakePayments method and return value which is required for the listeners to work properly.
purchaseUpdatedListener((purchase: ProductPurchase) => {}) EmitterSubscription Register a callback that gets called when the store has any updates to purchases that have not yet been finished, consumed or acknowledged. Returns a React Native EmitterSubscription on which you can call .remove() to stop receiving updates. Register you listener as soon as possible and react to updates at all times.
purchaseErrorListener((error: PurchaseError) => {}) EmitterSubscription Register a callback that gets called when there has been an error with a purchase. Returns a React Native EmitterSubscription on which you can call .remove() to stop receiving updates.
getProducts(skus: string[])
  • skus: array of Product ID/sku
Promise<Product[]> Get a list of products (consumable and non-consumable items, but not subscriptions).
Note: With before iOS 11.2, this method will also return subscriptions if they are included in your list of SKUs. This is because we cannot differentiate between IAP products and subscriptions prior to iOS 11.2.
getSubscriptions(skus: string[])
  • skus: array of Subscription ID/sku
Promise<Subscription[]> Get a list of subscriptions.
Note: With before iOS 11.2, this method will also return products if they are included in your list of SKUs. This is because we cannot differentiate between IAP products and subscriptions prior to iOS 11.2.
getPurchaseHistory() Promise<Purchase> Gets an inventory of purchases made by the user regardless of consumption status (where possible).
getAvailablePurchases() Promise<Purchase[]> Get all purchases made by the user (either non-consumable, or haven't been consumed yet). On Android, it can be called at app launch, but on iOS, only at restoring purchase is recommended (See: #747).
requestPurchase(sku: string, andDangerouslyFinishTransactionAutomatically: boolean, obfuscatedAccountIdAndroid: string, obfuscatedProfileIdAndroid: string)
    Promise<ProductPurchase> Request a purchase.
    purchaseUpdatedListener will receive the result.
    andDangerouslyFinishTransactionAutomatically defaults to true for backwards compatibility but this is deprecated and you should set it to false once you're manually finishing your transactions.
    requestPurchaseWithQuantityIOS(sku: string, quantity: number)
    • sku: product ID/sku
    • quantity: Quantity
    void iOS only
    Buy a product with a specified quantity.
    purchaseUpdatedListener will receive the result
    buySubscription(sku: string)
    • sku: subscription ID/sku
    void Create (buy) a subscription to a sku.
    requestSubscription(sku: string, andDangerouslyFinishTransactionAutomaticallyIOS: boolean, oldSkuAndroid: string, purchaseTokenAndroid: string, prorationModeAndroid: string, obfuscatedAccountIdAndroid: string, obfuscatedProfileIdAndroid: string)
    • sku: subscription ID/sku
    void Create (buy) a subscription to a sku.
    clearTransactionIOS() void iOS only
    Clear up unfinished transanctions which sometimes cause problems. Read more in #257, #801.
    clearProductsIOS() void iOS only
    Clear all products and subscriptions.
    Read more in below README.
    getReceiptIOS() Promise<string> iOS only
    Get the current receipt.
    getPendingPurchasesIOS() Promise<ProductPurchase[]> IOS only
    Gets all the transactions which are pending to be finished.
    validateReceiptIos(body: Record<string, unknown>, devMode: boolean)
    • body: receiptBody
    • devMode: isTest
    Object|boolean iOS only
    Validate receipt.
    presentCodeRedemptionSheetIOS() Promise<null> iOS only
    Availability: iOS 14.0+
    Displays a sheet that enables users to redeem subscription offer codes that you generated in App Store Connect.
    endConnection() Promise<void> End billing connection.
    consumeAllItemsAndroid() Promise<void> Android only
    Consume all items so they are able to buy again. ⚠️ Use in dev only (as you should deliver the purchased feature BEFORE consuming it)
    flushFailedPurchasesCachedAsPendingAndroid() Promise<void> Android only
    Consume all 'ghost' purchases (that is, pending payment that already failed but is still marked as pending in Play Store cache)
    consumePurchaseAndroid(token: string, payload?: string)
    • token: purchase token
    • payload: developerPayload
    void Android only
    Finish a purchase. All purchases should be finished once you have delivered the purchased items. E.g. by recording the purchase in your database or on your server.
    acknowledgePurchaseAndroid(token: string, payload?: string)
    • token: purchase token
    • payload: developerPayload
    Promise<PurchaseResult> Android only
    Acknowledge a product. Like above for non-consumables. Use finishTransaction instead for both platforms since version 4.1.0 or later.
    consumePurchaseAndroid(token: string, payload?: string)
    • token: purchase token
    • payload: developerPayload
    Promise<PurchaseResult> Android only
    Consume a product. Like above for consumables. Use finishTransaction instead for both platforms since version 4.1.0 or later.
    finishTransactionIOS(transactionId: string)
    • transactionId: the transactionId that you would like to finish.
    Promise<void> iOS only
    Finish a transaction. Use finishTransaction instead for both platforms since version 4.1.0 or later.
    finishTransaction(purchase: InAppPurchase/ProductPurchase, isConsumable?: boolean, developerPayloadAndroid?: string)
    • purchase: purchase object
    • isConsumable?: specify whether the product is a consumable
    • developerPayloadAndroid: developerPayload
    Promise<void> This method works for both platforms and is recommended since version 4.1.0 or later. Equal to finishTransactionIOS + consumePurchaseAndroid and acknowledgePurchaseAndroid.
    buySubscription(sku: string, prevSku?: string, mode?: number)
    • sku: subscription ID/sku
    • prevSku: old subscription ID/sku (optional)
    • mode: proration mode (optional)
    Promise<Purchase> Android only
    Create (buy) a subscription to a sku.
    For upgrading/downgrading subscription on Android pass the second parameter with current subscription ID, on iOS this is handled automatically by store.
    You can also optionally pass in a proration mode integer for upgrading/downgrading subscriptions on Android
    validateReceiptAndroid(bundleId: string, productId: string, productToken: string, accessToken: string)
    • bundleId: the packageName
    • productId: productId
    • productToken: productToken
    • accessToken: accessToken
    • isSubscription: isSubscription
    Object|boolean Android only
    Validate receipt.

    Npm Module


    Git Repo


    Getting Started

    $ npm install --save react-native-iap

    Mostly automatic installation

    Using React Native >= 0.60

    Linking the package manually is not required anymore with Autolinking.

    • iOS Platform:

      $ cd ios && pod install && cd .. # CocoaPods on iOS needs this extra step

    • Android Platform with Android Support:

      Using Jetifier tool for backward-compatibility.

      Modify your android/build.gradle configuration:

      buildscript {
        ext {
          buildToolsVersion = "28.0.3"
          minSdkVersion = 16
          compileSdkVersion = 28
          targetSdkVersion = 28
          # Only using Android Support libraries
          supportLibVersion = "28.0.0"
    • Android Platform with AndroidX:

      Modify your android/build.gradle configuration:

      buildscript {
        ext {
          buildToolsVersion = "28.0.3"
          minSdkVersion = 16
          compileSdkVersion = 28
          targetSdkVersion = 28
          # Remove 'supportLibVersion' property and put specific versions for AndroidX libraries
          androidXAnnotation = "1.1.0"
          androidXBrowser = "1.0.0"
          // Put here other AndroidX dependencies

    Using React Native < 0.60

    $ react-native link react-native-iap

    Manual installation


    1. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click Libraries ➜ Add Files to [your project's name]
    2. Go to node_modules ➜ react-native-iap and add RNIap.xcodeproj
    3. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNIap.a to your project's Build Phases ➜ Link Binary With Libraries
    4. Run your project (Cmd+R)<

    iOS with Podfile

    1. Open up ios/Podfile
    • Add pod 'RNIap', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-iap'
    1. Run pod install


    1. Open up android/app/src/main/java/[...]/MainApplication.java
      • Add import com.dooboolab.RNIap.RNIapPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
      • Add new RNIapPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
    2. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
      include ':react-native-iap'
      project(':react-native-iap').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-iap/android')
    3. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
      compile project(':react-native-iap')
    4. Update ProGuard config (Optional)
    • Append the following lines to your ProGuard config (proguard-rules.pro)
      -keepattributes *Annotation*
      -keepclassmembers class ** {
        @org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe <methods>;
      -keep enum org.greenrobot.eventbus.ThreadMode { *; }
    1. Add the following to the <permission> block in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:
    <uses-permission android:name="com.android.vending.BILLING" />

    Migrating to 3.4.0

    • Upgrade to the new purchase flow.
    • There is no longer any need to call endConnection on Android as this is done automatically.


    You can look in the RNIapExample/ folder to try the example. Below is basic implementation which is also provided in RNIapExample project.

    Init IAP, In App Billing

    First thing you should do is to define your product IDs for iOS and Android separately like defined below.

    import * as RNIap from 'react-native-iap';
    const productIds = Platform.select({
      ios: [
      android: [

    Get Valid Items

    To get a list of valid items, call getProducts().

    You can do it in componentDidMount(), or another area as appropriate for you app.

    Since a user may first start your app with a bad internet connection, then later have an internet connection, making preparing/getting items more than once may be a good idea.

    Like if the user has no IAPs available when the app first starts, you may want to check again when the user enters your IAP store.

      async componentDidMount() {
        try {
          const products: Product[] = await RNIap.getProducts(productIds);
          this.setState({ products });
        } catch(err) {
          console.warn(err); // standardized err.code and err.message available

    Each product returns from getProducts() contains:

    typeof Product

    All the following properties are String

    Property iOS And Comment
    price βœ“ βœ“ Localized price string, with only number (eg. 1.99).
    productId βœ“ βœ“ Returns a string needed to purchase the item later.
    currency βœ“ βœ“ Returns the currency code.
    countryCode βœ“ Returns the store country code.
    localizedPrice βœ“ βœ“ Localized price string, with number and currency symbol (eg. $1.99).
    title βœ“ βœ“ Returns the title Android and localizedTitle on iOS.
    description βœ“ βœ“ Returns the localized description on Android and iOS.
    introductoryPrice βœ“ βœ“ Formatted introductory price of a subscription, including its currency sign, such as €3.99.
    The price doesn't include tax.
    introductoryPriceAsAmountAndroid βœ“ Localized introductory price string, with only number (eg. 0.99).
    introductoryPriceAsAmountIOS βœ“ Localized introductory price string, with only number (eg. 0.99).
    introductoryPricePaymentModeIOS βœ“ The payment mode for this product discount.
    introductoryPriceNumberOfPeriods βœ“ An integer that indicates the number of periods the product discount is available.
    introductoryPriceNumberOfPeriodsIOS βœ“ An integer that indicates the number of periods the product discount is available.
    introductoryPriceSubscriptionPeriod βœ“ An object that defines the period for the product discount.
    introductoryPriceSubscriptionPeriodIOS βœ“ An object that defines the period for the product discount.
    subscriptionPeriodNumberIOS βœ“ The period number (in string) of subscription period.
    subscriptionPeriodUnitIOS βœ“ The period unit in DAY, WEEK, MONTH or YEAR.
    subscriptionPeriodAndroid βœ“ Subscription period, specified in ISO 8601 format.
    For example, P1W equates to one week, P1M equates to one month, P3M equates to three months, P6M equates to six months, and P1Y equates to one year.
    introductoryPriceCyclesAndroid βœ“ The number of subscription billing periods for which the user will be given the introductory price, such as 3.
    introductoryPricePeriodAndroid βœ“ The billing period of the introductory price, specified in ISO 8601 format.
    freeTrialPeriodAndroid βœ“ Trial period configured in Google Play Console, specified in ISO 8601 format. For example, P7D equates to seven days.


    The flow of the purchase has been renewed by the founding in issue #307. I've decided to redesign the Purchase Flow to not rely on Promise or Callback. There are some reasons not to approach in this way:

    1. There may be more than one response when requesting a payment.
    2. Purchases are inter-session asynchronuous meaning requests that are made may take several hours to complete and continue to exist even after the app has been closed or crashed.
    3. The purchase may be pending and hard to track what has been done (example).
    4. Thus the Billing Flow is an event pattern rather than a callback pattern.

    Once you have called getProducts(), and you have a valid response, you can call requestPurchase(). Subscribable products can be purchased just like consumable products and users can cancel subscriptions by using the iOS System Settings.

    Before you request any purchase, you should set purchaseUpdatedListener from react-native-iap. It is recommended that you start listening to updates as soon as your application launches. And don't forget that even at launch you may receive successful purchases that either completed while your app was closed or that failed to be finished, consumed or acknowledged due to network errors or bugs.

    import RNIap, {
      type ProductPurchase,
      type PurchaseError
    } from 'react-native-iap';
    class RootComponent extends Component<*> {
      purchaseUpdateSubscription = null
      purchaseErrorSubscription = null
      componentDidMount() {
        RNIap.initConnection().then(() => {
          // we make sure that "ghost" pending payment are removed
          // (ghost = failed pending payment that are still marked as pending in Google's native Vending module cache)
          RNIap.flushFailedPurchasesCachedAsPendingAndroid().catch(() => {
            // exception can happen here if:
            // - there are pending purchases that are still pending (we can't consume a pending purchase)
            // in any case, you might not want to do anything special with the error
          }).then(() => {
            this.purchaseUpdateSubscription = purchaseUpdatedListener((purchase: InAppPurchase | SubscriptionPurchase | ProductPurchase ) => {
              console.log('purchaseUpdatedListener', purchase);
              const receipt = purchase.transactionReceipt;
              if (receipt) {
                .then( async (deliveryResult) => {
                  if (isSuccess(deliveryResult)) {
                    // Tell the store that you have delivered what has been paid for.
                    // Failure to do this will result in the purchase being refunded on Android and
                    // the purchase event will reappear on every relaunch of the app until you succeed
                    // in doing the below. It will also be impossible for the user to purchase consumables
                    // again until you do this.
                    if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
                      await RNIap.finishTransactionIOS(purchase.transactionId);
                    } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
                      // If consumable (can be purchased again)
                      await RNIap.consumePurchaseAndroid(purchase.purchaseToken);
                      // If not consumable
                      await RNIap.acknowledgePurchaseAndroid(purchase.purchaseToken);
                    // From react-native-iap@4.1.0 you can simplify above `method`. Try to wrap the statement with `try` and `catch` to also grab the `error` message.
                    // If consumable (can be purchased again)
                    await RNIap.finishTransaction(purchase, true);
                    // If not consumable
                    await RNIap.finishTransaction(purchase, false);
                  } else {
                    // Retry / conclude the purchase is fraudulent, etc...
            this.purchaseErrorSubscription = purchaseErrorListener((error: PurchaseError) => {
              console.warn('purchaseErrorListener', error);
      componentWillUnmount() {
        if (this.purchaseUpdateSubscription) {
          this.purchaseUpdateSubscription = null;
        if (this.purchaseErrorSubscription) {
          this.purchaseErrorSubscription = null;

    Then define the method like below and call it when user press the button.

      requestPurchase = async (sku: string) => {
        try {
          await RNIap.requestPurchase(sku, false);
        } catch (err) {
          console.warn(err.code, err.message);
      requestSubscription = async (sku: string) => {
        try {
          await RNIap.requestSubscription(sku);
        } catch (err) {
          console.warn(err.code, err.message);
      render() {
          onPress={() => this.requestPurchase(product.productId)}

    New Purchase Flow


    Most likely, you'll want to handle the β€œstore kit flow”[2], which happens when a user successfully pays after solving a problem with his or her account – for example, when the credit card information has expired.

    For above reason, we decided to remove buyProduct and use requestPurchase instead which doesn't rely on promise function. The purchaseUpdatedListener will receive the success purchase and purchaseErrorListener will receive all the failure result that occured during the purchase attempt.

    Finishing a Purchase

    Purchases will keep being emitted to your purchaseUpdatedListener on every app relaunch until you finish the purchase.

    Consumable purchases should be consumed by calling consumePurchaseAndroid() or finishTransactionIOS(). Once an item is consumed, it will be removed from getAvailablePurchases() so it is up to you to record the purchase into your database before calling consumePurchaseAndroid() or finishTransactionIOS().

    Non-consumable purchases need to be acknowledged on Android, or they will be automatically refunded after a few days. Acknowledge a purchase when you have delivered it to your user by calling acknowledgePurchaseAndroid(). On iOS non-consumable purchases are finished automatically but this will change in the future so it is recommended that you prepare by simply calling finishTransactionIOS() on non-consumables as well.

    finishTransaction() works for both platforms and is recommended since version 4.1.0 or later. Equal to finishTransactionIOS + consumePurchaseAndroid and acknowledgePurchaseAndroid.

    Restoring Purchases

    You can use getAvailablePurchases() to do what's commonly understood as β€œrestoring” purchases.

    If for debugging you want to consume all items, you have to iterate over the purchases returned by getAvailablePurchases(). Beware that if you consume an item without having recorded the purchase in your database the user may have paid for something without getting it delivered and you will have no way to recover the receipt to validate and restore their purchase.

      getPurchases = async () => {
        try {
          const purchases = await RNIap.getAvailablePurchases();
          const newState = { premium: false, ads: true }
          let restoredTitles = [];
          purchases.forEach(purchase => {
            switch (purchase.productId) {
            case 'com.example.premium':
              newState.premium = true
              restoredTitles.push('Premium Version');
            case 'com.example.no_ads':
              newState.ads = false
              restoredTitles.push('No Ads');
            case 'com.example.coins100':
              await RNIap.consumePurchaseAndroid(purchase.purchaseToken);
          Alert.alert('Restore Successful', 'You successfully restored the following purchases: ' + restoredTitles.join(', '));
        } catch(err) {
          console.warn(err); // standardized err.code and err.message available

    Returned purchases is an array of each purchase transaction with the following keys:

    typeof AvailablePurchase

    Property Type iOS And Comment
    productId string βœ“ βœ“ The product ID for the product.
    transactionReceipt string βœ“ βœ“ iOS: The receipt.
    Android: Stringified JSON of the original purchase object.
    transactionId string βœ“ βœ“ A unique order identifier for the transaction.
    transactionDate number βœ“ βœ“ The time the product was purchased, in milliseconds since the epoch (Jan 1, 1970).
    originalTransactionDateIOS number βœ“ For a transaction that restores a previous transaction, the date of the original transaction.
    originalTransactionIdentifierIOS string βœ“ For a transaction that restores a previous transaction, the transaction identifier of the original transaction.
    purchaseToken string βœ“ A token that uniquely identifies a purchase for a given item and user pair.
    autoRenewingAndroid boolean βœ“ Indicates whether the subscription renews automatically.
    If true, the subscription is active, and will automatically renew on the next billing date. Otherwise, indicates that the user has canceled the subscription.
    dataAndroid string βœ“ Original json for purchase data.
    signatureAndroid string βœ“ The signature of the purchase data that was signed with the private key of the developer.
    The data signature uses the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme.
    isAcknowledgedAndroid boolean βœ“ Checking if purchase has been acknowledged.
    purchaseStateAndroid number βœ“ Indicating purchase state.
    packageNameAndroid string βœ“ Get package name.
    developerPayloadAndroid string βœ“ https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/developer-payload
    obfuscatedAccountIdAndroid string βœ“ https://developer.android.com/reference/com/android/billingclient/api/BillingFlowParams.Builder#setobfuscatedaccountidBuilder#setobfuscatedaccountId
    obfuscatedProfileIdAndroid string βœ“ https://developer.android.com/reference/com/android/billingclient/api/BillingFlowParams.Builder#setobfuscatedprofileid

    You need to test with one sandbox account, because the account holds previous purchase history.

    Receipt validation

    Since react-native-iap@0.3.16, we support receipt validation.

    With IAPHUB

    IAPHUB is a service that takes care of the ios/android receipt validation for you, you can set up webhooks in order to get notifications delivered automatically to your server on events such as a purchase, a subscription renewal...

    You can use it by calling the API manually to process your receipt or use the react-native-iaphub module that is just a wrapper of react-native-iap with IAPHUB built-in.

    With Google Play

    For Android, you need separate json file from the service account to get the access_token from google-apis, therefore it is impossible to implement serverless.

    You should have your own backend and get access_token. With access_token you can simply call validateReceiptAndroid() we implemented. Further reading is here or refer to example repo.

    With App Store

    Currently, serverless receipt validation is possible using validateReceiptIos().

    • The first parameter, you should pass transactionReceipt which returns after buyProduct().
    • The second parameter, you should pass whether this is test environment. If true, it will request to sandbox and false it will request to production.
      const receiptBody = {
        'receipt-data': purchase.transactionReceipt,
        'password': '******'
      const result = await RNIap.validateReceiptIos(receiptBody, false);

    For further information, please refer to guide.

    Sometimes you will need to get the receipt at times other than after purchase. For example, when a user needs to ask for permission to buy a product (Ask to buy flow) or unstable internet connections.

    For these cases we have a convenience method getReceiptIOS() which gets the latest receipt for the app at any given time. The response is base64 encoded.

    iOS Purchasing process right way.

    Issue regarding valid products

    • In iOS, generally you are fetching valid products at App launching process.

      If you fetch again, or fetch valid subscription, the products are added to the array object in iOS side (Objective-C NSMutableArray).

      This makes unexpected behavior when you fetch with a part of product lists.

      For example, if you have products of [A, B, C], and you call fetch function with only [A], this module returns [A, B, C]).

      This is weird, but it works.

    • But, weird result is weird, so we made a new method which remove all valid products.

      If you need to clear all products, subscriptions in that array, just call clearProductsIOS(), and do the fetching job again, and you will receive what you expected.

    Example backend (Node.js)

    Here you can find an example backend for idempotent validating of receipts on both iOS/Android and storing and serving subscription state to the client.

    Q & A

    getProducts returns empty array

    • Please double check if you've called initConnection.
    • Please wait for max 24 hours to fetch your iap products if you've just uploaded them. Related to issue.
    • For iOS, from ios version >=13, we seem to use StoreKit to fix this issue as mentioned in stackoverflow.
    • For android, please double check issue comment here and see if you've missed something.

    How can a user cancel a subscription in my app?

    • For both iOS and Android your users cannot cancel subscriptions inside your app. You need to direct your users to iTunes/the App Store or Google Play.

    • You can do this on iOS 12 or later (for earlier iOS versions, use this URL):

    • You can do this on Android:



    • More on Linking in React Native: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/linking

    Can I buy product right away skipping fetching products if I already know productId?

    • You could only in Android in react-native-iap@^2.*.

      However, now you should always fetchProducts first in both platforms. It is because Android BillingClient has been updated billingFlowParams to include SkuDetails instead sku string which is hard to share between react-native and android.

      It happened since com.android.billingclient:billing:2.0.*.

      Therefore we've planned to store items to be fetched in Android before requesting purchase from react-native side, and you should always fetch list of items to β€œpurchase” before requesting purchase.

    How do I validate receipt in iOS?

    How do I validate receipt in Android?

    • Offical doc is here.

    • I've developed this feature for other developers to contribute easily who are aware of these things. The doc says you can also get the accessToken via play console without any of your backend server.

      You can get this by following process:

      • Open Google Play Console > Select your app > Development tools > Services & APIs > Find in β€œYour license key for this application”. reference.

    How to make consumable product in Android developer mode?

    • If you are facing "You already own this item" on developer(test) mode, you might check related issue #126

    How do I use react-native-iap in Expo?

    • You should detach from expo and get expokit out of it.
    • Releated issue in #174.

    How do I handle promoted products in iOS?

    • Offical doc is here.
    • No initial setup needed from 4.4.5.

    Somewhere early in your app's lifecycle, call initConnection first (see above), then add a listener for the iap-promoted-product event:

    import { NativeModules, NativeEventEmitter } from 'react-native'
    const { RNIapIos } = NativeModules;
    const IAPEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(RNIapIos);
    IAPEmitter.addListener('iap-promoted-product', async () => {
      // Check if there's a persisted promoted product
      const productId = await RNIap.getPromotedProductIOS();
      if (productId !== null) { // You may want to validate the product ID against your own SKUs
        try {
          await RNIap.buyPromotedProductIOS(); // This will trigger the App Store purchase process
        } catch(error) {

    Invalid productId in iOS.

    • Please try below and make sure you've done the steps:

      1. Completed an effective "Agreements, Tax, and Banking."
      2. Setup sandbox testing account in "Users and Roles."
      3. Signed into iOS device with sandbox account in "Settings / iTunes & App Stores".
      4. Set up three In-App Purchases with the following status:
        • Ready to Submit
        • Missing Metadata
        • Waiting for Review
      5. Enable "In-App Purchase" in Xcode "Capabilities" and in Apple Developer -> "App ID" setting.
      6. Clean up builds:
        • Delete the app on device
        • Restart device
        • Quit β€œstore” related processes in Activity Monitor
        • Development Provisioning Profile -> Clean -> Build.
    • Related issues #256 , #263.

    Module is not working as expected. Throws error.

    • The react-native link script isn't perfect and sometimes broke. Please try unlink and link again, or try manual install.

    getAvailablePurchases() returns empty array.

    • getAvailablePurchases() is used only when you purchase a non-consumable product. This can be restored only.

      If you want to find out if a user subscribes the product, you should check the receipt which you should store in your own database.

      Apple suggests you handle this in your own backend to do things like what you are trying to achieve.

    Using Face ID & Touch to checkout on iOS

    • After you have completed the setup and set your deployment target to iOS 12, FaceID and Touch to purchase will be activated by default in production.

      Please note that in development or TestFlight, it will NOT use FaceID/Touch to checkout because they are using the Sandbox environment.

    Supporting react-native-iap

    react-native is an open source project with MIT license. We are willing to maintain this repository to support devs to monetize around the world.

    Since IAP itself is not perfect on each platform, we desperately need this project to be maintained. If you'd like to help us, please consider being with us in Open Collective.


    Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Become a sponsor]


    Please be our Backers.


    Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request. Thank you to all the people who helped to maintain and upgrade this project!

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