My personal configuration files repo.
This is intended to work on my setup only, use with caution.
- nvim/wezterm open links in browser on click
- Firefox user.js configuration (
- Setup VM for testing purposes because it's getting hard to test it on my pc
- Wezterm split sizing
- Check which programs are installed and install programs
- Check and replace old config files with config.old file for safety
- Create junctions and symlinks for windows config files
- Check if fonts exists before installation
- Windows Explorer Theme settings
- Look for wezterm dependencies(OpenGL)
- Change wezterm to nightly
- Install Script installs wrong packages sometimes
- Parameter error when installing cursor(On desktop and VM)
- Adding komorebi to startup does not work for some reason
- Manage scoop/chocolatey/winget packages for duplicates
- Check if Modules and Fonts folders exist and create otherwise
- Get the current firefox config name and close current firefox
- Change the title for wezterm sessions
- Check which programs are installed then install missing programs
- Check and replace old config files with config.old file for safety
- Create links for config files
- Finish linux configuration
- Create a macOS setup
- Create a minimal setup versions for old systems
- Separate personal and work stuff(Don't install Steam on work pc etc.)
- Create a single executable with for all systems