Pinned issues
- 8
Url for specific version is down
#52 opened by Brubbish - 27
enable Control Flow Guard
#49 opened by arm64-v9a - 2
Unable to build at Debian 12 with LLVM
#75 opened by killerbees19 - 3
Installation instructions?
#72 opened by VashJuan - 2
effects of going nroffless
#67 opened by bagder - 17
Cannot build libpsl on Windows
#64 opened by zhcnyuyang - 42
Build official curl binaries with PSL
#63 opened by dfandrich - 2
untangle dependencies from configuration
#60 opened by dhewg - 7
LTO support
#59 opened by Andarwinux - 4
Non-latin symbols processing
#56 opened by squromiv - 1
What is the Unicode "feature"?
#54 opened by eabase - 1
- 4
- 7
- 6
bintray latest version do not download latest version - download url for any automation script
#11 opened by babumuralidharan - 6
Statically linked?
#12 opened by jbfsoftware - 2
- 5
OpenSSL DLLs required for `libcurl.dll`
#16 opened by jay - 5
Default branch name should be master not main
#19 opened by jay - 6
- 1
no UNICODE windows build
#24 opened by 2i-mh - 7
- 1
Missing files
#33 opened by lunter2 - 1
Text files are not viewable in notepad
#42 opened by jay - 4
zstd support
#34 opened by gvollant - 3
Openssl 1.1.1s or q
#45 opened by MDzyga - 31
- 3
- 2
- 4
Curl 7.77.0 _mkgmtime32 Windows XP SP3
#18 opened by FIFpro-Argentino - 5
`` has size 0.0 MB?
#15 opened by simon04 - 9