
Errors in auto generated manpage

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the debian linter checks for issues in manpages too, it seems the new generated manapge from MD format
has some syntax issues. You can test with:


LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 MANROFFSEQ='' MANWIDTH=80  man --warnings -E UTF-8 -l -Tutf8 -Z  ./trurl.1 > /dev/null
troff: <standard input>:233: warning: macro '\' not defined

the section in the TH field seems to be off too (its the trurl version, not the section of the manual page)

.TH trurl 0.15 1 "2024-08-27" trurl

should be

.TH trurl 1 "2024-08-27" trurl 0.15

i guess.

I'll have a look and fix