
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



A native Android app to display activities for kids.


  • Built with Android Studio 3.1.1 and tested on Android 8.0 (26), compatible all the way down to Android 5.0 (21).
  • APK file for convinience


This being a small app, it follows a simple structure.

MainActivity - Acitvities list view MainModel - Class to handle RESTful services EventDetailActivity - Avtivity details view

MainActivity calls a function in MainModel when it first starts, and listens for a response through an event using EventBus. On a successful response, the list of activities is saved locally using SharedPreferences and retrieved when the app is opened to show the activities instantly.

Libraries used

  • EventBus - Dispatch and listen for events across the app.
  • Butterknife - Simplify binding views between the xml layouts and java objects.
  • Retrofit - Perform HTTP requests.
  • Picasso - Load venue's images and cache them.
  • JodaTime - Convert ISO datetime strings to timezone aware date objects