
Dependencies :

  • gcc
  • make
  • ncures :
    apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev or brew install ncurses



./asm [file_name].s
./asm -a [file_name].s

The a flag don't create a source file .cor but write to stdout an annotated version of the code.

Tests part

Add a test

  1. Add your input file (.s) in asm/tests/input/ folder.

  2. Complete asm/tests/ file.

    • If needed, add an error type in ERROR_TYPE table, e.g. :
      'COMMENT_TOO_LARGE': 'Comment too large.'
    • In INPUT table, add the corresponding line to your test.
      If no error is expected, e.g. :
      'zork.s': {'error': False, 'error_type': None, 'error_line': -1}
      If an error is expected, specify the type (from ERROR_TYPE table) and the line number, e.g. :
      'zork.s': {'error': True, 'error_type': 'COMMENT_TOO_LARGE', 'error_line': 2}
  3. If your test will create a .cor file, add the expected output file (.cor) in asm/tests/output, so that the script will compare with it.

Run the tests

make -C asm
python3 asm/tests/


./corewar [-dump N] [-zaz] [-visual] [-verbose 1|2] [-n N <champion>] <champion> ...
  • dump N : dumps memory after N cycles then exits, where N is int >= 0
  • zaz : displays like zaz VM (line of 64 bytes) for dump flag
  • n N : forces champion's number to N, where N is int >= 0
  • visual : displays a Ncurses visual
  • verbose : verbose mode (1 : basic | 2 : all)

Work process

Want to take some notes ?

Go to misc/notes/ and write your own notes.

Want to write some small tests and keep a trace ?

Go to misc/dumb_tests/ and add your repo. If needed, add some file in gitignore file.

Want to read/add some appendix ?

Got to misc/appendix/.


Don't forget to complete your documentation part when working ;)

Git process

  • 2 pre-master branches will be used : asm and vm.
  • No direct push on these pre-master branches (and on master of course).
  • For each feature, create a branch from asm/vm. When the feature is finished, merge on the pre-master. Of course, if your feature has nothing to do with pre-master topic, create a branch from master.
  • Pre-master branch (asm/vm) can be merged on master only if all the work is totally completed = all tests green + norminette ok + documentation.
  • Don't forget that 42 headers (for the norm) are git cancer. Add them only on your last commit, just before the final merge :)

Break process

It's scientifically proven that playing Clash Royal once an hour will help to manage Corewar 😎